I’ll also be at Singapore by the first week of July, because I’m attending Figma Config APAC 2024 in-person 😄
Will be my first time in Singapore, so I’ve been asking around for recommendations on things to do. Am also gonna be working remotely there, but contemplating if I should just file the rest of the week as PTO so I could explore a bit more 😆
The past month or so has been super hectic! But part of getting back to routine (for me) is also posting on this side of the internet, hence why I’m here again! 😆
I want to eventually figure out a better way to manage my fediverse posting :)) but for now, this’ll have to do
My home office setup is (almost) complete 😁
(almost because I haven’t moved my computer chair from the old place yet 😆)
Life update
Felt like writing this down and putting it here as a reference on some life updates I’m comfy to share:
Moving places
I started moving in with my current partner now in a shared space. This is definitely going to be a new situation to explore, but we’re both game to face it and go through it together. The prospect is exciting, and I’m hoping this gives me the bump up in terms of Quality of Life that I’ve been longing for so long—something I realized after thinking about stuff I wanted to do in the future.
Part of me wonders why when my partner brought this up, that I didn’t panic as much as I would have had this happened before. Technically this is a big move, a big change, and it’s life-changing. But at the same time… I guess, I already saw it was gonna happen sooner or later, so it made sense as the next step? Not necessarily a small or super big step, but just… a step. A step forward.
For sure there’ll be bumps on this road my partner and I are taking together, but I’m determined to see these through. And he’s shared the same sentiment. Here’s hoping I look back at this post with a smile on my face.
Learning to deal with disappointing others
In this case… it’s my parents. I’ve already moved out of their house for 2 years now, but of course we’re still talking, updating each other about life, and occasionally meeting to eat together as a family again.
But this time around, I had to give them the news of what I shared above. And they were both not happy, what with them both having traditional values and all. My partner and I are not married (yet(?)) but we also both recognize that this would be helpful for us in the long run. That clashes with traditional or conservative views, though. So… I really just had to face the reality that I’d be disappointing and possibly hurting my parents with this decision.
This might not be much to others, but I realized it was to me. Growing up, I always did my best to “be in the right”, and if ever there were any sketchy shit I was getting into, that I’d do everything to hide that as much as possible. The sketchy shit weren’t really, like… super controversial (in my opinion). Just the usual vices young adults tend to get into as they go through life.
But… there. I guess writing this down also is my way of coping with the situation. It’s still technically an “unresolved” situation, but I’m doing my best to make my resolve firm and just face the consequences and make do with what I have currently. I’ll just continue moving forward. I have to, in order to grow as a person.
I guess… that’s mostly it. That’s what I wanted to share.
With this update in my life, I’m hoping I get to do more things that I want, given that it’s me literally choosing myself and my needs as well. It’s scary, but I’ll do it anyway.
It’s also my birth month, so I find some symbolism as well with how my life is now changing more on this date, at the start of this month. Hopefully with this change, I find growth and also get a better sense of who I am. Hopefully I get to know myself better enough to love myself more and more for each passing day.
Here’s to changing for the better.
I didn’t get to finish the April photoblogging challenge again 🥲 But oh well, at least I got to update it for most of the month!
Gonna write another post to just share updates on life as well.
as the weeks pass I hear more and more sirens 😟 kung hindi ambulance, fire truck. huhu
Haven’t been able to catch up to the challenges again 😅 been busy the past few days
I’m so happy I saw this immediately in my videos to watch!! Excited for Part 2, this Part 1 was super great and reminds me of all the times I’ve gotten so excited over stuff with One Piece 🥹
Alright, I’m home. IT’S TIME TO PLAY… 🎮 Hades 2 (technical test)!!! 😁 excited to explore the first area~
wonder what’s gonna happen in the coming month. lots of (potential) changes.
📷 Day 22: blue #mbApr
Taken last 24 June 2022. Second to the last gig I got to attend of Banna Harbera performing. They stopped putting new music out later that year too, but I was thankful I still got to attend some of the gigs when they were still playing. 🥹

It’s so hot. It’s been so hot the past few weeks. 🥵😢 sigh huhu
📷 Day 21: mountain #mbApr
Took a photo of this mountain while riding a taxi with other tourists who were also figuring out how to get to Jioufen 😆 Taken last April 10, 2023!

📷 Day 19: birthday #mbApr
My birthday’s coming up soon. Throwback to this gift the WeWork staff where I used to co-work at gave me 😁🍷

Excited for today because I’ll be watching Rent (the musical) with a friend later today! #RentMNL2024 wooooo
📷 Day 18: mood #mbApr
This horse/donkey statue is a mood after the events of this week. 😆

goddamn it i’m hungry again but it’s almost 12am 😩
Collection of thoughts re: Figma's Framework APAC 2024
Dang, I thought the Framework APAC would be live too (since they have an announcement for it as its own event and all), but I guess since Figma already announced stuff yesterday, it really would just be a replay of the stuff they already did on April 16 🥲
Feels weird to go through this now, since it seemed like it would be its own “event” where people would also be live, sad that APAC still feels like an afterthought. But I guess it’s also fine we have these recordings available? 😅
I wonder if the Office Hours would be live or if it would still be a recording of their office hours during that day. I’m thinking it would be the latter, based on how this is going 😅
I might just update this blog post later in the day once that time slot is open to see if anything changes. I do still have the tab open to play in the background, since… well, not much to do other than listen. 😆 (last update: 12:10PM)
update: 1:37PM — oh nice, the In the file with DBS session is live 😁 cool! Today I learned Zoom Webinars can be integrated into a website like this 😆
update: 2:37PM — Office Hours just finished, and I appreciate it was a live session 😁 Exciting times!
Overall, I still do love hearing about the updates from the Figma team. Makes me excited to make cool stuff!
📷 Day 17: transcendence #mbApr
I guess this can count? 😆 This was taken after we rode over 140km around Taichung last April 2023. This was the our actual Strava ride up to Sun Moon Lake 😄 I can’t believe I pulled it off then! I don’t really do long rides that much anymore 😅