Hello there! I’m Chi Señires. I’m a UX Designer from the Philippines.

Quick GTKM (get to know me)

  • I have two bikes, Candy and Rida.
  • I love using Figma, the collaborative design tool.
  • currently working at Home Credit PH as a UX Design Specialist.
  • I super duper love cats. But I don’t own any.
  • I am familiar with front-end web development. HTML & CSS are my jam!
  • I do my best to familiarize myself with accessibility, especially for online things.

What am I up to now?

My /now page has a list of the things I’m doing and taking note of so far.

I’m slowly adding stuff here and making this my own space on the Internet, but for now, you may find me online through any of the following links:

… I’ve really added all my links in either one of those sites. Then eventually I’ll link back to here once I add more posts on this side of the interwebs.

If you’d like to chat, you may contact me through the following public accounts!

  • Mastodon
  • LinkedIn
  • BlueSky
  • Threads
  • Twitter - keeping this here as a reference, but I technically stopped using this after I had trouble crossposting photo sets I’d upload everywhere else.
Impact swag image