Photoblogging Challenges

    📷 Day 14: statue #mbsept

    Apparently there is another Hachiko statue in Chiang Mai, Thailand, in their very own Little Tokyo area!

    A statue of Hachiko, similar to the one in Tokyo, but this one in particular was taken at Chiang Mai, Thailand. Some bird poop is seen on the top of the Hachiko statue.

    📷 Day 13: glowing #mbsept

    My friends and I retook this photo because the light was apparently directly on top of my head 🤣

    “para kang kinukuha na ng langit” 😂

    Chi posing with her two friends, Karen and Nix, next to their own trifold bikes and setups. On top of Chi's head, a street light is pointed towards the camera, so the top part of her head is obscured by the light.

    📷 Day 12: panic #mbsept

    Taken while eating breakfast at a hospital a month ago. This was a woozy day.

    A green plate with rice, one hotdog, and a bitten-off banana are in view. Two green cups are also to the side, because Chi is eating breakfast with her mom.

    📷 Day 11: retrospect #mbsept

    This was the digital screen interface at the Ayala Museum when I visited a few months ago. Nice to see a copy of their recorded music preserved in the museum 😊

    Digital interface at the Ayala Museum showing a grid of the different items collected and displayed at the museum. The item currently selected is the Bayanihan Philippine Dance Company, vol. 2 music CD. It is located in the Filipinas Heritage Library at the 6th floor as part of the Himig Collection.

    📷 Day 10: cycle #mbsept

    how apt that this is today’s prompt 💖 Here’s me with my trifold brompnot during the Car-Free Morning at Ayal Ave. 😁

    Chi smiling and posing with her red Banian trifold bike, which is partially folded, while in the middle of Ayala Avenue because it's a Car-Free Sunday morning event. She is wearing a white t-shirt that has the text, "#KabaBIKEihan" printed, and gray shorts and black sandals. On her bike, her red GoFar front mounted bag is attached, and her red Lumos helmet is also strapped to her bag.

    📷 Day 9: language #mbsept

    I took this photo while I was reloading my easycard in Taiwan. I found it amusing that they had a Tagalog translation 😄

    Interface of the easycard reloading and ticket buying machine in Taiwan. The language currently selected and shown on screen is Filipino, and the labels for all buttons are all translated as such. Other options available are: Chinese, English, Japanese, Korean, Thai, Indonesia, Vietnamese, German, French, and Spanish.

    📷 Day 8: yonder #mbsept

    forgot to post yesterday!!! huhu i broke my streak 😆

    this was taken when we were at a rest house near the sea during a storm.

    View of the backyard of a rest house in Zambales, Philippines. This was taken while there was a typhoon leaving the country, and part of the typhoon's tail was around the area, bringing cloudy skies, strong wind, and constant rain that would strengthen or weaken depending on the hour. Over the distance, the sea is at high tide, brought about the effects of the typhoon.

    📷 Day 7: panorama #mbsept

    I rarely take actual panorama photos with my phone, but maybe this’ll count? View of the clouds during my flight from the Philippines to Thailand ☁️🤩

    View outside a flight en route to Thailand from the Philippines. The glare of the sun is out of the frame, but its light shines brightly on the fluffy sea of clouds, further defining their shape. The sky above the clouds is a calming type of blue, reinforcing how serene the heavens look.

    📷 Day 6: (oh) well #mbsept

    This was a moment that got me to go, “oh well, I’m drenched in the rain, but at least I’m near home.” 😅

    (I tried to see if I took any photos of actual wells, and… I have photos of other things with water, but not wells 😆)

    Selfie of Chi in her rain gear for her bike commute, wearing her red Lumos helmet and a black rain poncho. Both the poncho and her helmet are visibly drenched or have rain drops on them, and Chi's making a dejected or kind of exhausted face.

    📷 Day 5: forest #mbsept

    This was from first trip to Europe, back in 2022. We rented bikes and rode along the bike paths around Amsterdam to get around. 😊🚲

    Chi is seen walking and pushing a Dutch bike to her left, while along a bike path somewhere in Amsterdam. The path continues on straight, and lots of trees can be seen lining up both sides of the bike path, providing ample shade from the sun.

    📷 Day 4: orange #mbsept

    Chi's order of Thai milk tea with choco caviar from Pang Cha, which is raised under the neon orange sign that reads: "Thailand's original Pang Cha".

    📷 Day 3: precious #mbsept

    My preciouses. I don’t own cats yet, so this’ll have to do for now. 😝

    (also haven’t colored in the big fat cat yet!)

    Chi's 3d-printed cats, given to her by her boyfriend. She has one big fat cat, which is based on the fat cat in FFXIV, and 4 smaller Neko Atsume style cats that have their eyes, nose, mouths, and some patterns colored in with a black marker.

    📷 Day 2: buildup #mbsept

    The view underneath the roof of the McDonald's branch Chi was eating breakfast at. There are a lot of corners on the roof, somewhat akin to a lightning bolt shape. Also seen in view are some above-ground electric lines, and further in the distance are some high-rise condominium buildings.

    📷 Day 1: abstract #mbsept

    Joining in the September photoblogging challenge 😁

    View outside of Chi's window. The rain is pouring, with a foggy outlook the farther you look out. The window pane is aligned to the middle of the picture as a way to frame the outside—seen to the left side portion of the photo—with the right side of the photo, which is the glass of the window pane. There are rain droplets seen on the glass.
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