
Full Post List

Jul 22, 2024: Monthly, daily, hourly reminder to self that I want to do so many things yet I am only me

Jul 8, 2024: Balatro is now my latest obsession. 🎮 I know I have a lot of other things I wanna do… but… huhu games ;u;

Jul 7, 2024: Currently still in hibernating mode after my trip to Singapore. Before that, there was also our department’s team building 😆 Need rest after all …

Jun 30, 2024: Despite feeling a bit out of it and kinda staying within my comfort zone, today was a good first full day at Singapore. I’ll do my best in the …

Jun 30, 2024: Staying in the hostel for now because I am still getting my bearings being in another country lol solo traveler moment 😆 I am technically here for …

Jun 29, 2024: Going to Singapore later! 😄 First time ever. I’m setting up ways for me to take notes down both online and offline, in the hopes of having …

Jun 17, 2024: finally finished sorting through the stuff I hauled from my old unit! There’s still a big pile and bags of clothes that are set aside, but at …

Jun 6, 2024: I’ll also be at Singapore by the first week of July, because I’m attending Figma Config APAC 2024 in-person 😄 Will be my first time in …

Jun 6, 2024: The past month or so has been super hectic! But part of getting back to routine (for me) is also posting on this side of the internet, hence why …

May 22, 2024: My home office setup is (almost) complete 😁 (almost because I haven’t moved my computer chair from the old place yet 😆)

May 2, 2024: Life update Felt like writing this down and putting it here as a reference on some life updates I’m comfy to share: Moving places I started moving in with …

May 1, 2024: I didn’t get to finish the April photoblogging challenge again 🥲 But oh well, at least I got to update it for most of the month! Gonna write …

Apr 30, 2024: as the weeks pass I hear more and more sirens 😟 kung hindi ambulance, fire truck. huhu

Apr 29, 2024: Haven’t been able to catch up to the challenges again 😅 been busy the past few days

Apr 27, 2024: I’m so happy I saw this immediately in my videos to watch!! Excited for Part 2, this Part 1 was super great and reminds me of all the times …

Apr 26, 2024: Alright, I’m home. IT’S TIME TO PLAY… 🎮 Hades 2 (technical test)!!! 😁 excited to explore the first area~

Apr 24, 2024: wonder what’s gonna happen in the coming month. lots of (potential) changes.

Apr 23, 2024: 📷 Day 22: blue #mbApr Taken last 24 June 2022. Second to the last gig I got to attend of Banna Harbera performing. They stopped putting new music out …

Apr 22, 2024: It’s so hot. It’s been so hot the past few weeks. 🥵😢 sigh huhu

Apr 21, 2024: 📷 Day 21: mountain #mbApr Took a photo of this mountain while riding a taxi with other tourists who were also figuring out how to get to Jioufen 😆 …

Apr 21, 2024: 📷 Day 20: ice #mbApr I forgot what this drink was called 🤣 but it was a nice cocktail from Hakid 😁

Apr 21, 2024: 📷 Day 19: birthday #mbApr My birthday’s coming up soon. Throwback to this gift the WeWork staff where I used to co-work at gave me 😁🍷

Apr 21, 2024: Excited for today because I’ll be watching Rent (the musical) with a friend later today! #RentMNL2024 wooooo

Apr 19, 2024: 📷 Day 18: mood #mbApr This horse/donkey statue is a mood after the events of this week. 😆

Apr 18, 2024: goddamn it i’m hungry again but it’s almost 12am 😩

Apr 18, 2024: Collection of thoughts re: Figma's Framework APAC 2024 Dang, I thought the Framework APAC would be live too (since they have an announcement for it as its own event and all), but I guess since Figma …

Apr 17, 2024: 📷 Day 17: transcendence #mbApr I guess this can count? 😆 This was taken after we rode over 140km around Taichung last April 2023. This was the our …

Apr 17, 2024: Looked back at some of the photos I submitted for the photoblogging challenge, and I saw I reposted 1 photo 🙈 Now I know I shouldn’t use that …

Apr 17, 2024: Got to watch GomBurZa again, this time with my boyfriend, because it’s on Netflix! Sobrang nakakagago pa rin talaga nung nangyari sa GomBurZa. …

Apr 17, 2024: Tried out a 5-day meal plan for this week’s food. I’m now on day 3. I gotta say, I do like not having to worry about what food to eat (as …

Apr 17, 2024: Stumped again for what to post for #mbApr day 17 🙈 I’ll mull it over this day hahaha

Apr 17, 2024: 📷 Day 16: flâneur #mbApr Was chilling outside the hotel on my first full day in Salzburg back in February. I asked my boyfriend to take this photo of …

Apr 17, 2024: On Arc, whenever I want to make a post with an image on my, I can only successfully do it on Lillihub since I write descriptive alt text …

Apr 17, 2024: Trying out AirChat for the first time Trying out AirChat (since I got an invite) and, I guess it’s just, this what I’m doing now, the voice post. And… it’s just …

Apr 17, 2024: head hurts 😓

Apr 15, 2024: 📷 Day 15: small #mbApr “Many small people who in many small places do many small things that can alter the face of the world.” (African …

Apr 15, 2024: Just for the sake of posting: jumped on the Arc bandwagon last January 2024! 😁

Apr 14, 2024: 📷 Day 14: cactus #mbApr This is the only photo I have with a cactus in it 😆 Tried an iced coffee drink in the local mall a while back. It was OK. …

Apr 13, 2024: My personal Obsidian Vault graph kinda looks like a globe, lol

Apr 13, 2024: Playing Botany Manor right now as part of Game Pass. This is such a cute puzzle game. My kinda jam 😄🎮

Apr 13, 2024: 📷 Day 13: page #mbApr Took a photo of this page spread from a book I was reading while going around Taiwan back in April 2023. I just thought it was …

Apr 13, 2024: 📷 Day 12: magic #mbApr Saw these cool shiny playing cards yesterday while at my friend’s cafe and lounge.

Apr 11, 2024: Dang, the accessibility description pop-up doesn’t work on Arc when making new posts via the website 😢 The page is just frozen until …

Apr 11, 2024: gasp omg it has been a while since I last explored stuff! Thread crossposting won’t be hard anymore 😆

Apr 11, 2024: First time seeing Recommendations here in Gonna read up more on it. I hope the people and accounts I do eventually add (?) wouldn’t …

Apr 11, 2024: 📷 Day 11: sky #mbApr Tried windsurfing back in February 2022. That was fun! I’d like to do it again someday 😁

Apr 10, 2024: 📷 Day 10: train #mbApr Hmm, train. Train… station? 😁 Took a photo of this self-service ticketing machine while waiting for the S-Bahn in …

Apr 10, 2024: 📷 Day 9: crispy #mbApr Look at them crispy hibiscus popcorn and rice flakes on top of this poke bowl I ate somewhere around Salzburg 😁

Apr 8, 2024: 📷 Day 8: prevention #mbApr Food is apt for this prompt, I guess. Lately I’ve been (re)figuring out how I’d feed or sustain myself as I …

Apr 8, 2024: Kinda overthought that Day 7 prompt. I just used it as an excuse to show that amusing photo of me 😆

Apr 8, 2024: 📷 Day 7: well-being #mbApr Interpreted this as, which would showcase how comfy and content I was? This is one example: me being eaten by my …

Apr 7, 2024: Now a bit challenged for Day 7’s prompt. Gets me into thinking :))) I know I don’t have to think too much about it, but I want to at least …

Apr 7, 2024: Posted late for Day 6 because I was on recovery mode again yesterday. But today I’m trying to get back into it.

Apr 7, 2024: 📷 Day 6: windy #mbApr I realize I don’t have any (recent?) photo showing any wind (or photos of windy places for that matter) so here’s a …

Apr 5, 2024: 📷 Day 5: serene #mbApr Took photos while walking along the riverside during my visit to Austria last February. I wanna go back soon. Things were …

Apr 5, 2024: I’m the one that suggested the prompt for today’s @challenge but it’ll take me a bit to look for an image for this 😆😆 The past few …

Apr 5, 2024: Very cute 😄 Hope Figma keeps this feature up 😁

Apr 4, 2024: Jollibee has nuggets now 😆 about time they did! 😛 Tastes ok. Nuggets are nuggets 😁 I’m happy I can order this at Jollibee now hahaha

Apr 4, 2024: 📷 Day 4: foliage #mbApr Took a photo of this cat with one of its legs not tucked under while I was at the Houtong Cat Village last year.

Apr 4, 2024: Just tried out FitXR, and I’m thinking after the first 2 classes I did (sculpt & HIIT), I’ll do this as part of my workout routine for …

Apr 3, 2024: 📷 Say 3: Card #MBApr I took a photo of this credit card reader on the remote for in-flight entertainment during my flight to Europe last February. I …

Apr 2, 2024: 📷 Day 2: Flowers #mbapr One year ago! Took a photo of the YouBike I rented while going around Taichung, Taiwan. There were some cherry blossoms along …

Apr 1, 2024: 📷 Day 1: Toy #mbapr Sharing this 3d-printed neko atsume style cat printed by my boyfriend, and colored in (with markers) by me 😁 There are 3 more cats …

Mar 30, 2024: I stayed online enough to clean up my inbox of unnecessary newsletters and cleaned through old event invites and other threads. I hope I eventually …

Mar 30, 2024: General PSA: but I have been hibernating since maybe last week, and I don’t know when I’ll go back to regular posting or regularly being …

Mar 29, 2024: Finally have time to myself. I hope I actually get to do the cleaning I told everyone I was gonna do during this time. 😆

Mar 7, 2024: Hay, I really should have bought the Meta Rayban Smart Glasses when I saw them in Austria. I just want a stylish way to record quick clips of things I …

Mar 6, 2024: bakit ang dami kong meeting this week 😭 tawad po pls i want to actually work T___T (additional anecdote: kaya ko lang din naman dinedread mag attend …

Mar 6, 2024: The work continues.

Mar 1, 2024: Been a few days since I set up my Obsidian again. 😆 Let’s see if I can (1) keep up with this, and (2) if I can figure out the …

Feb 21, 2024: TIL there’s support for even blockquotes in FigJam text 😮 Discovered this while writing a shorthand guide in FigJam. I’m surprised how …

Feb 20, 2024: A great read on the opportunities for AI in accessibility:… It also has links to articles that are critical of AI as a …

Feb 20, 2024: I’m so happy there’s a Figma plugin to make APNG files, I can make animated Discord stickers now :3 hehez to add, this is the Figma …

Feb 20, 2024: I’m wondering why Microsoft Teams hasn’t changed their functionality of typing emojis from using parentheses () to using colons ::. Is it …

Feb 12, 2024: lmao at this ““not mandatory”” checkbox for marketing opt-in 😂😂 what can I expect, I’m trying to get free WiFi lol

Feb 8, 2024: First full day in Austria 🇦🇹! there was a lot of walking, and just mostly getting used to the weather 😆 Here is the before and after I realized I …

Feb 7, 2024: 🛬 Vienna, Austria 🇦🇹 Now to wait for the specific train I bought tickets for to head to Salzburg 😁 I’m so early hahaha

Feb 7, 2024: seems amusing that while in Qatar airport’s free wifi, I can’t seem to connect to: Telegram set up my VPN? (though this might be with my …

Feb 6, 2024: It’s time to fly! First stop: Qatar for layover 😄

Feb 6, 2024: Made a mental note not to delete the spam messages I would get today before I left for my flight. Trying to see if there was a method to the madness. …

Feb 5, 2024: I just ordered later dinner lmao I guess I’ll be up until… 1-2AM today 😂

Feb 5, 2024: Part of me wonders if I’m packing (really) light for my Austria-Berlin trip 😂 it’s only 10 days. I’m thinking I just need enough …

Feb 5, 2024: back to my red nail polish era 💅

Feb 4, 2024: Also just playing 🎮 Like A Dragon: Infinite Wealth until my trip on Tuesday 😆 gotta progress the story as much as possible :))

Feb 4, 2024: I am literally just looping through 6 songs right now

Jan 30, 2024: I kept using the word “maleta” that I forgot what the English word for it was 💀 it’s suitcase! 😆

Jan 30, 2024: Looking through Google Maps now to familiarize myself with my Europe trip next week. I’ve already gone to the Salzburg Hauptbahnhof before …

Jan 29, 2024: even if I have the keys to my unit in my hand when I go out I still have this moment where I doubt I got the correct keys 🙃

Jan 25, 2024: I finally have a few books I’m eyeing to buy again. But this time I’m thinking of just getting ebooks… As much as I would like a …

Jan 18, 2024: new sheets really make you want to melt into your bed 💤

Jan 17, 2024: Mulling over why at-the-office would work vs mostly-remote (I'm for the latter) Until now I struggle to find a reason why a team that has functioned and performed well even with a mostly-remote setup now changes into a more …

Jan 16, 2024: Super happy how this photo turned out. Special thanks to Joyce Romero for taking this photo 💖 There are more, I just haven’t gotten around to …

Jan 16, 2024: huhu i hate my cravings once they hit i cannot think about any other kind of food 😖

Jan 10, 2024: Whoa. UI update?! 👀‼️ The sidebar…. is now to the side!!! 🤯 hahaha that surprised me 😂

Jan 10, 2024: did my 2nd calisthenics class today 🙌🏻💪🏻 8 more classes remaining. So far so good 😄

Jan 9, 2024: Random thing na takot ako when passing by vehicles sa right side (regardless if stuck sila sa traffic or moving): a person randomly spitting and me …

Jan 8, 2024: I can’t believe it took me this long to try FigJam on iPad. It’s amazing!

Jan 8, 2024: Less than a month until my Europe trip! Time to see REAL SNOW ❄️ 😁

Jan 5, 2024: I really want a new profile picture. But I’m too lazy lately to just fix myself up and make a new one. Would still like to be photographed by …

Jan 5, 2024: 🔗 InVision design collaboration services shutdown — Michael Shenkman, InVision CEO Wow, end of an era. InVision is shutting down this 2024.

Jan 4, 2024: Playing 🎮 Papers, Please again today. Started it during the start of the year, and now I’m just playing to get the different endings. 😆

Jan 4, 2024: Installed Gluon on my phone again!

Jan 4, 2024: I really want to fix my link embed previews soon 😓 huhuhu. But I look at coding as work… and by night time I just want to rest and play games 😩

Jan 4, 2024: Made a Stuff I Use page to have all my listed referral links and other links to things I just use all on one page. I also have it on my /now page, but …

Jan 4, 2024: I’m sorry to those who replied to my posts back in November-December 2023 and I didn’t get to reply 🙈 I really zoned out those …

Jan 4, 2024: TIL about Hotlinking as a term. Also learned that there are ways to protect yourself from it, too! I took a peek at @rknightuk’s Toot of 88x31 …

Jan 4, 2024: Life really is so fleeting. I’m sorry it took me so long to check. Part of me still hopes it’s not true, but… even then, I hope …

Jan 4, 2024: homg it is 1AM i need to sleep XD

Jan 3, 2024: Noticed this quirk while adding documentation in Figma prototypes, sharing for visibility to others 😅 I wanted to type text LIKE_THIS but the Markdown …

Jan 2, 2024: I hope me cleaning up the Downloads folder on my work laptop is OK. If I need a file I previously downloaded already, I can always just search through …

Jan 2, 2024: I aim to get back into the groove in the coming days. Just do things and deal with things as they come.

Jan 2, 2024: 🔗 That Numbness You’re Feeling? There’s a Word for It. || Adam Grant @ The New York Times Reading through this made me realize how I think I’ve …

Jan 1, 2024: Finally back at the unit 😆 I missed you, my PC!

Jan 1, 2024: Happy New Year!! 🎉🎊

Dec 29, 2023: So far I’ve done 2 out of the 4 things I listed in my previous post. So far so good! I’ll probably only do one more out of the remaining …

Dec 29, 2023: chenen! halatang tinahi, pero goal naman is mawala butas. solb 👍😂

Dec 29, 2023: habang technically away from PC ako, pansasamantalahin ko na oras at itatahi ko yung mga butas ng mga pambahay ko (kahit di ganun kaganda) 😆🪡

Dec 27, 2023: Watched GomBurZa with Karen today! Super on a whim, nasa Megamall na ako and was telling her “oh just lmk if u wanna hang” tapos nung …

Dec 27, 2023: OK I think I spent enough time writing online. I need to prep so I can go out for the afternoon 😆

Dec 27, 2023: Newfound appreciation for translating Markdown when posting. IDs are automatically made from the text in headings after the hash. 😁

Dec 27, 2023: My 2023: Appreciating an eventful year

2023 was an eventful year for me. There were a lot of ups and downs. Before the year comes to a close, I just want to reflect on everything I’ve …

Dec 27, 2023: I also just wanted to share this neat game I saw on Game Pass, and then eventually was gifted to on Steam: Venba! 🎮 I’m a sucker for cooking …

Dec 27, 2023: Things I want to do back at my parent’s house for the holidays: do some sewing set up some Figma teaching materials? learn about Hugo and set …

Dec 27, 2023: Surprised to see my cousin ate Leira in this video! Happy there’s a video talking about the history of video games in the Philippines, although …

Dec 27, 2023: aaaahhh, I’m not that great of a tech support at home as I thought I was 😆 but this is within context of being out in stores hahaha I work …

Dec 25, 2023: Happy Holidays! 😊 wishing you all a comfy time with your loved ones 🌟💖

Dec 23, 2023: oooh, BlueSky became a butterfly 🦋

Dec 22, 2023: Playing 🎮 Melatonin now, this is such a cute rhythm game! I got it as a gift from one of my friends hehe 😊 Highly recommended!

Dec 22, 2023: Earlier it seems like Cloudflare had a bit of an outage, and it lasted for a few minutes (at least long enough to be noticeable?) I initially thought …

Dec 22, 2023: Seems like 2023 is the year of transitions.

Dec 22, 2023: I’m being diligent now on what to buy during the 2023 Steam Winter Sale… I really just want one gift. But then I’m keeping some …

Dec 21, 2023: even though it’s the holidays and it’s time to rest I kinda can’t wait for these next few days to be over 😴

Dec 21, 2023: I wonder if there’s already a way to get a computer to check the characters of a post & see if it’s ascii or emoji art then have that …

Dec 20, 2023: Published this free Android UI - Phone Call resource on Figma Community in case anyone needed to mock up the stock call app within their prototypes or …

Dec 19, 2023: random note to self: the goal is to have more intentional experiences moving forward, wag na madala sa flow of things 😆 ok lang naman siguro yun sa …

Dec 19, 2023: honestly I find it so funny that my stats for 🎮 Baldur’s Gate 3 is like this HAHA the jab is totally real, I still haven’t left Act One …

Dec 19, 2023: 2023 Steam Year in Review time!! 🎮 To view the rest:…

Dec 15, 2023: Finished 🎮 Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name. 🥺😭✊🏻 huhuhuhu

Dec 12, 2023: haaah, i’m blanking out again, brain does not want to brain rn

Dec 11, 2023: feels nice to not feel pressured to post stuff online at all times, and also feels nice to live more in the present 😊

Dec 4, 2023: To all motor vehicle drivers this holiday rush (or any day for that matter), please learn to slow down and be careful. You’ll get to your …


Dec 4, 2023: today was a really long day.

Dec 1, 2023: 📝 My last week of November in summary Finally back home to my unit after being at home with my parents for the week! I was on leave for the whole week at work, because: I’m trying …

Nov 23, 2023: Finished work for the week. Starting tomorrow until next week, I’m on leave, but I still have a bunch of things to do. Hopefully staying with …

Nov 22, 2023: Yayyyy finally got my Schengen visa 💖 I’m gonna see my boyfriend next year!! hehehe

Nov 21, 2023: Started my Busuu Premium again, for a year. Mostly on a whim, but also to maybe just have another thing I’m doing during my time that can build …

Nov 20, 2023: “aren't you scared?” Where have I gone? Where else am I going? Where ever I want. and where ever I need. But sometimes others ask me… . . . aren’t you scared? I am. …

Nov 20, 2023: sometimes what makes me more exhausted is my outlook on things talaga. gotta work on that. but also just acknowledging what’s currently here lel

Nov 19, 2023: what a weird dream. thankfully, i’m back in reality since i woke up.

Nov 18, 2023: Watched My SHINee World premiere and it was super fun! I do not have regrets 🩵

While last minute, I watched the premiere showing of My SHINee World at SM Megamall. It was worth it 🥹🤧

A photo of Chi with the MY SHINee WORLD movie poster backdrop and with freebies from the documentary premiere. In front of her are a photo of the SHINee members (from left to right): Onew, Taemin, Jonghyun, Key, and Minho all pointing a thumbs up to the right side during one of their concerts. Chi is also posing with a thumbs up to join the SHINee members.

Nov 15, 2023: gonna be dancing again for a Year End Party 😆 ah, the quirks of being a new hire 😂

Nov 13, 2023: I’m trying to compile a list of things I would want to make up some kinda wishlist… but right now, other than games, and maybe …

Nov 11, 2023: I got to socialize a bit more today. 😊 It’s funny that now, complaining about traffic is one of the things that people generally talk about …

Nov 10, 2023: wow im hearing birds so early in the morning! 😮

Nov 4, 2023: the embarrassing moments are flashing back in my head and are having a presentation it seems now just trying to ignore it or let it pass, just …

Nov 4, 2023: I think I should be fine now, after drinking all my meds for the week? 🤔 hopefully i get to eat some stuff sa family buffet thing I have this weekend …

Nov 3, 2023: Hello! I’ll be participating in this event by Climate Reality Indonesia next week 😄 Urban mobility is a critical aspect of planning and …

Nov 3, 2023: finally edited and posted the reel for the highlights of our ride around Iloilo via bike lanes last week 😆

Nov 2, 2023: Updated my now page again, and my goodness, I’m still reading a lot of manga and… watching a lot of anime 😆

Nov 2, 2023: okay I finished paying some bills again, time to make full use of the holiday and not think about things for a while ;; Stardew Valley here I come …

Nov 1, 2023: the only agenda I have for today & this week is to rest and recover! -2 wisdom teeth 🦷🦷 #timelapse #drawings

Oct 31, 2023: Just finished Viewfinder!! Lovely game, I’m really a sucker for these kind of puzzle games. 😆 Also happy to see a friend’s name in the …

Oct 31, 2023: i got ice cream :3

Oct 31, 2023: i want ice cream :c

Oct 30, 2023: Are there any Helluva Boss fans around here huhu please I just wanna share in the amazement of Fizz knowing sign language and talking to one of his …

Oct 30, 2023: -2 wisdom teeth lolz 🦷🦷

Oct 29, 2023: run, cat, run

Oct 29, 2023: ok I am ready to go out and bike, there are no clouds in sight, it’s a hot day but i will just manage and do my best before my dinner with …

Oct 27, 2023: Every time I see posts from friends who share their milestones online & see lots of people commenting “congrats girl!!” …

Oct 27, 2023: I caved and bought Viewfinder on Steam. 😆 It was on sale!!! 🙈 @miguelmanalo I am now with you in the puzzle solving 😁🧩

Oct 26, 2023: omg I have so much footage from the community ride through the Iloilo bike lanes and I wanna compile them immediately because I know the more time …

Oct 26, 2023: Just got back from Iloilo! I’m grateful I got to talk about the current PH transportation sector gaps based on my personal experience as a …

Oct 26, 2023: daming birds nakaperch sa power lines around Iloilo City! baka dahil kasi uulan nun? (bago neto yung biglang buhos ng ulan, nakasilong na kami nun 😆)

Oct 25, 2023: excited for tomorrow 😁

Oct 25, 2023: my outfit for today! I need to get another cardigan type and maybe white sneakers so I can rotate around outfit pieces more 😆

Oct 25, 2023: good morning! 🌞 At Iloilo City Hall now for the Move Together in-person workshop by Climate Reality Project PH 😄 with fellow speakers Celine and Chuck …

Oct 24, 2023: what i drew to pass the time while waiting for my flight

My drawing reminds me of this game titled “Florence” because of my coloring. 😆

Oct 24, 2023: Taiwan? no, ✨Cubao✨ 😂😂😂 pero in all seriousness happy ako may P2P bus nang papuntang NAIA so I don’t have to be dependent on Grab all the time! …

Oct 24, 2023: alright, today is gonna be a long day. Let’s get through it!

Oct 23, 2023: my voice is still raspy when I speak lol is this due to my screaming while riding amusement park rides last thursday 😂

Oct 22, 2023: guh it’s hard to make a presentation that’s supposed to be inspiring and all when I’m being slowly eaten up by my lack of self-worth …

Oct 21, 2023: I feel pumped up. I hope I get to finish this talk I’m putting together today. I think I have everything in my mind now; I just need to organize …

Oct 19, 2023: this day was so much fun 🥰 didn’t expect it to be, but am glad it is 😁

Oct 19, 2023: bakit ang dilim sa SLEX? wala pala mga street lights rin dito? would expressways need them? (technically all roads do naman diba…? D:) napaisip …

Oct 18, 2023: Updated my profile again, this time updating some links listed here + updating my bio. I’m thinking I could add a bit more here, but …

Oct 18, 2023: tapos ko na yakuza 0!! playing yakuza: like a dragon before finishing this made me understand some references 😆 and now i get how they’re all …

Oct 18, 2023: sobbing why do nice things cost money 🥹 i saw a really cute skirt, swimsuit, and dress 🤧

Oct 18, 2023: Today feels like a holiday at work, but only because probably half of the company is at Enchanted Kingdom celebrating with family and friends because …

Oct 18, 2023: A friend asked me how I was and, after listing down all the things I know I’ve yet to do, like my presentation on smart and inclusive mobility …

Oct 17, 2023: im so sleeeeepyyyyyy 😪 (stayed up until 2 to play synth riders 🎮)

Oct 16, 2023: first was 🎮 beat saber, then oh shape, and now synth riders. I am thoroughly enjoying getting custom songs to play on these vr rhythm games 😆

Oct 16, 2023: thoughts; Hello! Things have been going well so far. Slowly but surely I’m doing my best to be more deliberate with the things I do. I’m working …

Oct 14, 2023: Look at this. Ridiculous 😝 I only go there because my boyfriend keeps sending me tweets from time to time, since technically the rest of the world is …

Oct 14, 2023: Random list of things I want to focus on These things don’t really have a deadline in my head, but I guess for the sake of writing stuff down, I want to share them here. Here’s a …

Oct 13, 2023: some people elsewhere really have all the time in the world just to harrass and belittle others. i am personally bothered, but at the same time it …

Oct 11, 2023: Figma branching got me scratching my head sometimes 😅 seems like there’s still more ways to improve with this feature :))

Oct 10, 2023: later naman i’ll go out so maybe that’ll give me a change of pace

Oct 10, 2023: weekly; unfiltered, timelapse the episodes have become weekly. I find it a bit amusing that even my moods or emotions follow a 2-week sprint. I guess that’s the effect of my …

Oct 10, 2023: I either need to talk to someone again today or… really just focus on a particular task without any interruptions. The brain fog is strong …

Oct 10, 2023: why are tuesdays my brain fog days, it literally does not cooperate with my meetings filled day 🫠

Oct 9, 2023: At this point I’m still happy of my decision to not continue to use Twitter. I still feel some sadness with the social network I have there, …

Oct 9, 2023: ty to friends who give me more photos of me and my folding bike together in my usual #ootd hehe 😌🫶

Oct 8, 2023: I keep asking myself why I continue buying books I end up not reading. Mostly resource books. But I guess I can look at it as a gift for future me? I …

Oct 7, 2023: A year does go by fast; self-reflection and other musings The past year has been eventful, to say the least. I don’t particularly feel like I’ve grown, but I guess that’s mostly my low …

Oct 5, 2023: I have this urge in me to just randomly do stuff online, either to stream what it is I’m playing or working on, or just to really do whatever. …

Oct 4, 2023: Sigh, here I go again with food orders instead of cooking with the stuff I have in my fridge 😖 Still can’t form the habit again huhu

Oct 3, 2023: officemate just told me they can’t attend a sync meeting later because they’re stuck in traffic. It’s a 1 hour meeting though, and …

Oct 3, 2023: ack shet may sipon ako hahaha 🤧 pero di pa nagmamanifest fully so it’s in its awkward state of there and not there 🫠

Oct 1, 2023: The realization that there really were a lot of red flags in the past, I was just either too lenient on considering them, or was still in denial of …

Oct 1, 2023: I have a bike ride this morning and I wanna arrive on time. Not too early, but on time. If I leave now, I feel like I’ll be… too early 😆

Oct 1, 2023: I did it, I finished the photoblogging challenge 🥳 #mbsept yahooo

Oct 1, 2023: 📷 day 30: treasure #mbsept i gave this some thought, and figured one of my treasures are my hands. They allow me to do so many things. 😌 This means a …

Sep 29, 2023: 📷 day 29: contrast #mbsept I’m not that big of a fan of graffiti in general, but this was a striking wall. Felt compelled to take a photo. This …

Sep 28, 2023: look what finally arrived! 😆 thanks for these stickers, @jean! 😊

Sep 28, 2023: Yesterday had me dealing with lots of things in the morning, which got me overwhelmed. Now I feel a bit better. 😊

Sep 28, 2023: 📷 day 28: workout #mbsept this was a rowing machine at the Manila Boat Club that I got to try! They recommend you practice here first before trying to …

Sep 28, 2023: 📷 day 27: embrace #mbsept this took me a while to choose which photo of me and my boyfriend I’ll post for the prompt that I almost missed it 😆 …

Sep 27, 2023: Reflections on trust in one's self, and dealing with impatience

I’ll be rambling on a bit about thoughts I’ve had in the past… month or so after this section. I initially thought I’d just …

Sep 26, 2023: 📷 day 26: beverage #mbsept I found this glass of juice amusingly big. So I put my hand next to it to see the comparison in size 😆

Sep 26, 2023: 📷 day 25: flare #mbsept Flare… flame? Fire? 😆😅

Sep 26, 2023: oof i missed another day haha yesterday really was a daze

Sep 26, 2023: my tummy is being weird again this morning sobs tapos i woke up with a migraine pa reeeee let us get through this day 😤

Sep 25, 2023: 📷 Day 24: belt #mbsept I’m not really one for belts on my everyday outfits so this was a bit hard 😅 here’s an old photo of me at a …

Sep 23, 2023: finally got my ffxiv-themed bucket hats!!! 🥰🌱 they are so cute huhu I can’t wait to wear them with my outfits aaaaa

Sep 23, 2023: wow, september really just passed by. Can’t believe we’re almost nearing the end of the month now 🙈

Sep 23, 2023: 📷 day 23: a day in the life #mbsept took this earlier when I got back home. Those are some heavy rain clouds 😳 not to mention a bleak late morning …

Sep 22, 2023: In other news: I finished playing 🎮 Yakuza: Like a Dragon last night, like at around 1:40AM with how long the end cutscene was 😂 Now it makes me want …

Sep 22, 2023: Broken foldie, but lucky nonetheless: my World Car-Free Day experience

I wanted to super celebrate World Car-Free Day today by doing my bike commutes to and from work, as usual. Even with the looming smog that was …

Sep 22, 2023: 📷 Day 22: road #mbsept Selfie of me riding along the roads of MueangKaen, Chiang Mai, Thailand! 😄

Sep 22, 2023: 📷 Day 21: (not) fall(ing) #mbsept 😆 These bikes are not falling. As they are propped up each other. 😆

Sep 22, 2023: 📷 Day 20: disruption #mbsept Here’s a photo of my dad messing with my grandma’s cat, Oscar, who was chilling on the stairs. 😆

Sep 22, 2023: sheesh i gotta catch up again on the photoblogging challenge. these past few days have been crazy 🥴

Sep 20, 2023: my week started with a bad case of impostor syndrome, but now I am recuperating. I still need to deal with it though. Haven’t fully addressed it …

Sep 20, 2023: 📷 day 19: edge #mbsept late post! meant to do this yesterday but i kinda forgot lol

Sep 18, 2023: 📷 Day 18: fabric #mbsept I know I already posted this outfit yesterday, but the prompt calls for fabric. So here it is. 😆

Sep 18, 2023: 📷 Day 17: intense #mbsept yep, that’s 4 different kinds of drinks. 😅 there was a time I had no problems doing this one time. But now, I will …

Sep 17, 2023: • kumot crop top • figma socks • figma tote bag full on designer mode jk 😂 ootd for UX+! see u at SMX MOA later 😄

Sep 17, 2023: good god what is that haze outside

Sep 17, 2023: I feel bad I’m having to decide whether I should commit to the bit and bike commute to the design conference I’m attending later or just …

Sep 17, 2023: 📷 Day 16: oof! #mbsept This is a ramp at the mall near my place. It has been “under maintenance” for like 2 months already, with no …

Sep 16, 2023: 📷 Day 15: red #mbsept My outfit yesterday while with my bike 😁 red dress, red bike, red bag 😆

Sep 14, 2023: omg yay my prompt is next for tomorrow 😁

Sep 14, 2023: I have so many things happening every weekend, I wanna write about them all, but I guess I feel too conscious sometimes to just write whatever and …

Sep 14, 2023: Caught up in posting for the Photoblogging challenge again. Sometimes I wonder if I missed out on a lot, but then when I check on my past …

Sep 14, 2023: 📷 Day 14: statue #mbsept Apparently there is another Hachiko statue in Chiang Mai, Thailand, in their very own Little Tokyo area!

Sep 14, 2023: 📷 Day 13: glowing #mbsept My friends and I retook this photo because the light was apparently directly on top of my head 🤣 “para kang kinukuha …

Sep 14, 2023: 📷 Day 12: panic #mbsept Taken while eating breakfast at a hospital a month ago. This was a woozy day.

Sep 13, 2023: yesterday was a daze getting back into it again today

Sep 11, 2023: 📷 Day 11: retrospect #mbsept This was the digital screen interface at the Ayala Museum when I visited a few months ago. Nice to see a copy of their …

Sep 10, 2023: 📷 Day 10: cycle #mbsept how apt that this is today’s prompt 💖 Here’s me with my trifold brompnot during the Car-Free Morning at Ayal Ave. …

Sep 10, 2023: 📷 Day 9: language #mbsept I took this photo while I was reloading my easycard in Taiwan. I found it amusing that they had a Tagalog translation 😄

Sep 9, 2023: 📷 Day 8: yonder #mbsept forgot to post yesterday!!! huhu i broke my streak 😆 this was taken when we were at a rest house near the sea during a storm.

Sep 8, 2023: It’s only been a few days since we finally got Figma access for our team at work and I feel so powerful. 2 deliverables I would’ve taken …

Sep 7, 2023: Here comes the construction sounds happening at like… 10PM. Why tf is someone jackhammering something at this hour?! 😑

Sep 7, 2023: 📷 Day 7: panorama #mbsept I rarely take actual panorama photos with my phone, but maybe this’ll count? View of the clouds during my flight from …

Sep 6, 2023: 📷 Day 6: (oh) well #mbsept This was a moment that got me to go, “oh well, I’m drenched in the rain, but at least I’m near …

Sep 6, 2023: I really hope in the future I don’t have to call or check in advance if the venues I’m going to allow (folding) bikes inside, or at the …

Sep 5, 2023: We finally have Figma access for our team at work!!! 😭💖 Finally hahahuhuhu I can feel more at home in what I use for designing 🥲

Sep 5, 2023: My calls to my bank’s customer service calls are longer than my meetings. 😆😅

Sep 5, 2023: This is generally a summary of why I’m still focused on Yakuza: Like a Dragon 🎮 more now. I’m just taking my sweet time with all of the …

Sep 5, 2023: 📷 Day 5: forest #mbsept This was from first trip to Europe, back in 2022. We rented bikes and rode along the bike paths around Amsterdam to get …

Sep 4, 2023: Alright, I’ve caught up to the photoblogging challenge 😁 back to my gaming. 🎮 Yakuza: Like a Dragon time 😎 (if ever you’re wondering, no, …

Sep 4, 2023: 📷 Day 4: orange #mbsept

Sep 4, 2023: these were all just from today. My goodness. Who are all these numbers and why do y’all keep calling?? Does this also happen to people in other …

Sep 4, 2023: 📷 Day 3: precious #mbsept My preciouses. I don’t own cats yet, so this’ll have to do for now. 😝 (also haven’t colored in the big fat …

Sep 4, 2023: 📷 Day 2: buildup #mbsept

Sep 4, 2023: 📷 Day 1: abstract #mbsept Joining in the September photoblogging challenge 😁

Sep 4, 2023: Been a few months since I went on I’m still wondering what setup I should have when writing long-form posts here. When I’m on …

Sep 4, 2023: August was a whirlwind for stuff that happened. Starting September so far in a very chill and calm manner. (Though there’s still a lot to plan …

Sep 4, 2023: ooh omg, I wanna join the September photoblogging challenge in! I missed it in the chatter, was out during the start of the month 🙈

Aug 29, 2023: Time to catch up on work after being gone for a week. 😅

Aug 28, 2023: Ah damn, thinking about code is making me feel a bit overwhelmed with things again :') so is this plotting of everything in my life so far. …

Aug 28, 2023: Some of my new officemates discovered that I could sing, too. 😆 I mean, I already did sing during our team building, but I guess being drunk that time …

Aug 27, 2023: Finally got to fix up the file and publish the Slider Prototype Variations on Figma Community. Hopefully this helps someone in the future when …

Aug 26, 2023: Also: just wanted to compile all the footage from our community visit to MueangKaen municipality in Chiang Mai, Thailand 😁 had so much fun and really …

Aug 26, 2023: I’m back from my trip to Chiang Mai, Thailand! 🇹🇭 It was a fun and insightful few days. I think it’s safe for me to share that I got to …

Aug 24, 2023: all I can post now so far are my outfits for the day 😅 please bear with me as I keep myself quiet on the things I’m doing currently haha This …

Aug 23, 2023: omaygad my feet hurt 😆 i need better shoes

Aug 23, 2023: Good morning! 🌞

Aug 22, 2023: what are the odds of me seeing another random dude have the same polo shirt design as my boyfriend’s fave polos alam ko na san niya nabili 🤣

Aug 22, 2023: I really am so happy I’m here with my friend. We’ve just been chatting the whole time while waiting to board our flight. 😆 Had I been …

Aug 22, 2023: ✈️🔜

Aug 22, 2023: Today is the day of my flight woohoo ✈️

Aug 21, 2023: lmao I’m trying to do my eTravel registration update since I’m flying out of the country tomorrow, yet whenever I try to update, the site …

Aug 21, 2023: I broke my first glass cup while living alone 😅 gotta be more careful next time. Debris has been cleaned up, and I think I’ve gotten everything …

Aug 20, 2023: So far, since getting my trifold bike, I haven’t booked an Angkas or JoyRide (motor taxi) to go to places by myself. I’ve yet to see how I …

Aug 20, 2023: testing out procreate brushes + messy coloring in + (over)use of the lasso tool = this self portrait again my bangs have gotten a bit longer than it …

Aug 20, 2023: holy shit it has been so hot the past few days 🫠

Aug 19, 2023: stupid things this week San Juan mayor decided to remove the bollards along Ortigas Ave bike lanes (??? then say it’s to …

Aug 18, 2023: ramdam ko yung dami ng nakasalalay sakin 🫠 i wish to eventually be rid of responsibilities at least for the day, later

Aug 18, 2023: I’m going to be an ADPList #BeMore2023 attendee! Looking forward to this 24-hour festival of non-stop learning in groundbreaking design, product …

Aug 18, 2023: ayoko na aaaaaaaaa ang daming need tapusin ng Friday huhuhu 🙈 Last hurrah talaga before my week-long leave (na technically I’m also kinda …

Aug 18, 2023: ayoko na aaaaaaaaa ang daming need tapusin ng Friday huhuhu 🙈 Last hurrah talaga before my week-long leave (na technically I’m also kinda …

Aug 17, 2023: me af [from MARRIAGETOXIN chapter 58]

Aug 16, 2023: Happy to see an article covering the experiences of pinay bike commuters 🥰 It also talks about how Pinay Bike Commuter Community started!! My fellow …

Aug 16, 2023: Just wanted to share that I was on GMA’s I-Witness for a few seconds 😆 during one of the rides I joined to go to Pasig River, apparently sir …

Aug 15, 2023: Next week I’ll be travelling ✈️

Aug 14, 2023: 📝🎮 2 weeks into Baldur's Gate 3

The last week has been spent playing Baldur’s Gate almost every time I get a chance to, which just shows in my total number of hours so …

Aug 12, 2023: Today was spent out all day with friends! We hosted another Women Who Code In The Dark event around Ortigas 😆 It was fun seeing friends again and …

Aug 8, 2023: 🎮 Baldur’s Gate 3 has so far, successfully captured my after-work gaming moments. My solo playthrough’s already vastly different than the …

Aug 7, 2023: lakad + tao mode today because I hauled a box of empty glass bottles from our house this morning to work for our office’s donation drive. I …

Aug 6, 2023: woke up to my 3d cats having a meeting on my desk 😆 (i didn’t realize this last night when i was playing with the fat cat 😂)

Aug 4, 2023: I need better ways to wake myself up in the morning. Something that’s friendly to when you feel lazy to do so 😵‍💫

Aug 4, 2023: My boyfriend’s also making me try 🎮 Baldur’s Gate 3. Assuming the download goes well tonight, we might try to play it tomorrow. I wonder …

Aug 4, 2023: Boyfriend started playing the free trial for 🎮 FFXIV. 😄 So now I resubbed and have an alt in the EU server. 😆

Aug 2, 2023: Broke my posting streak yesterday because of personal stuff. And the days are going to be really busy. Maybe eventually I’ll find solace in just …

Jul 31, 2023: Traffic was slow enough that I felt safe to whip out my phone while bike commuting and take a few videos of the state of Kalayaan Bridge, the one that …

Jul 30, 2023: It’s over, I found where you can play Mahjong in Yakuza: Like a Dragon 🎮 😆🀄️ watch me spend 200+ hours just playing this nyahaha

Jul 30, 2023: This is a lazy weekend. I guess, with all the activity I’ve had recently, a nice break from it all.

Jul 29, 2023: And after I got tired a bit of the repetitiveness of 🎮 Catherine, I also started playing 🎮 Yakuza: Like a Dragon (thanks Xbox Game Pass!) Ahh, I miss …

Jul 29, 2023: Started playing 🎮 Catherine Classic and… so far it seems like a simple game, despite everything else. 😆 I fully see all the remnants of Persona …

Jul 28, 2023: sigh… net sucks again. Most likely because of the rains, but also lately it really has been getting worse.

Jul 28, 2023:

TIL Mcdonald’s is also called “Mcdo” in France, because of this video my boyfriend linked me. 😆

Jul 27, 2023: My internet and Adobe Xd keeps testing my patience today… 😤

Jul 27, 2023: Something that’s keeping me from posting long-form posts is that when I share my site’s link, it’s not really formatted with …

Jul 27, 2023: I have been eating Mcdo breakfast for the past 3 days now. Today is the 4th day. I wish I had the energy or headspace to cook, but my brain …

Jul 27, 2023: I made an iOS Shortcut that prepares a preview-ready BlueSky link (essentially just replaces to in your Clipboard for easier …

Jul 26, 2023: A random discussion with a friend on what lunch they’re getting today turned out into an impromptu hangout to eat lunch together then stay at a …

Jul 26, 2023: Random alt-text-related question: is the “alt text is usually less than 100 characters” statement still true to this day? I know and have …

Jul 26, 2023: A bit of reflection on not using Twitter anymore I feel a bit of grief over not using or updating in Twitter anymore, but only because at some point I did work hard to get my social graph to where it …

Jul 26, 2023: So far, writing long posts with the mobile app works great, but I strain myself sometimes just writing all in the app when I could also type on my PC …

Jul 25, 2023: I’ll be using my Mastodon more as a dump for unfiltered thoughts. I can put content warnings there, and unlist some posts/toots. is …

Jul 25, 2023: It’s only now that I really am actively removing Twitter links from my everywhere. It has devolved into something I don’t think I can make …

Jul 24, 2023: First time bringing my trifold bike to the office. It fits nicely under the table, if I don’t have my bag attached to it 😆

Jul 24, 2023: Currently reading: Influence by Robert B. Cialdini, PhD 📚 Reading this as part of our newly made book club at work, since they’re encouraging …

Jul 24, 2023: I ended up not writing about my day yesterday as I was too brain-empty to do the whole process of uploading photos to put in the post 😆 I’ll …

Jul 23, 2023: Today was an eventful day! I wanna write about it in a long-form blog. But for now, maybe deal with some thoughts and emotions first. 😆😅

Jul 22, 2023: Updated my /now page again to include the games I’m currently playing 😁 Games I’m Playing Roots of Pacha Hitman: World of Assassination …

Jul 22, 2023: 📝 Playing Lean 2: Experience and thoughts while playing

A few weeks ago, I played this board game with my Scrum team. It’s called Playing Lean 2, and it was apparently a Kickstarter project!

Overlooking shot of the end state of Playing Lean 2. Playing Lean 2: Kickstarter edition board game box cover.

Jul 22, 2023: So happy that my boyfriend caught up to Jujutsu Kaisen. We’re now watching the latest season together 😁 I initially reco’d it to him, but …

Jul 22, 2023: had to wear the jacket going back home because of a bit of drizzle 😆 also used the rain cover for my front bag this time around!

Jul 22, 2023: can’t go wrong with a shirt and shorts 😁 out for errands today!

Jul 22, 2023: omg telegram (premium) now has stories…… 🤣🤣 you’re maybe 2-3 years too late to the meme, telegram 😂

Jul 22, 2023: Barbieheimer = Barbie + Oppenheimer movie day with Karen

📝📽 Today, I watched two movies with my friend, Karen. We first watched Oppenheimer, then watched Barbie. It was a fun day to watch two good movies!

Jul 21, 2023: grabe naman jump ng cinema prices here 350 pesos in Robinsons Galleria 500 pesos in Ayala Malls 30th 👁️👁️

Jul 21, 2023: Personally wondering how I would go about setting up a site that needs monetary donations to keep if up. I guess I would have to have some form of …

Jul 20, 2023: I used to tweet a lot about updates I’d notice on apps I use every day and compiled them all under the hashtag #NoticingUpdates. It even has its …

Jul 20, 2023: Yayy! I talked about to @julesb and they joined just recently 😄 Hooray for bringing more friends in this space 😁

Jul 20, 2023: I want to be more efficient in doing my design work. The Adobe Xd to Miro pipeline is very… tedious 🫠 I cannot wait for us to really truly …

Jul 19, 2023: Just updated my /now page on OMG.LOL. Mostly added the manga and anime I’m watching. Goodness, I’m reading so many things at the same time …

Jul 19, 2023: Fixed my finances again for the month. Using YNAB* really has helped me be more mindful of where I spend my money & credit. While I don’t …

Jul 19, 2023: My boyfriend is headed back to Europe tonight. 🤧 It was a fun week with him 😊

Jul 18, 2023: Today is the last full day I can spend with my boyfriend in person 🤧 it just dawned on me now.

Jul 17, 2023: my hair did not dry properly. 😆 First ride with Candy out on the road!

Jul 17, 2023: this trifold + fancy dcb attached bag is giving me the idea that I can just go trifold to all my lakads ah considering how lighter it is than I …

Jul 16, 2023: Another cold day today 🌧️

Jul 15, 2023: lmao the late lunch / dinner I had with my mom, her friends, and her friend’s daughter turned into an intervention for my mom to stop letting …

Jul 15, 2023: meet Candy 🥰🚲❤️ It’s a Banian trifold 16" bike! Finally got all my stuff matchy-matchy hehe

Jul 14, 2023: My boyfriend 3d printed me this super super cute cat 🐱 and I colored in some parts 😁 📷

Jul 14, 2023: I just wanna have enough time to blog or write shit down, but these past few days got me busy and having me do anything but those 😭 So now this …

Jul 14, 2023: another day of trying to wake myself up because it’s yet another early start to my day 😪 for the record, I am awake now, but it took so much …

Jul 13, 2023: yo I got to the office before 8am for this training… where are the people 😠

Jul 13, 2023: rainy bike to work 🌧️🚲 View my ride on Strava

Jul 13, 2023: ohhh, the character count in Threads shows at the upper right corner of the new post bottom sheet if you get near the maximum count. It starts …

Jul 13, 2023: moments before flight 📷

Jul 11, 2023: I am excited for the coming week 🥰

Jul 11, 2023: Cleaned my keyboard today 😁⌨️ Quick peek at my mouse and (split) keyboard setup! Mouse: Logitech Ergo M575 Keyboard: Lily58 Pro split keyboard

Jul 11, 2023: Here comes the rain. 🌧️⛈️

Jul 10, 2023: bike(pack)squared 😂

Jul 10, 2023: Also got traffic cone valve caps from a cyclist friend 😄

Jul 10, 2023: One less car. 🫡

Jul 9, 2023: I’ve figured out a way to convert screenshots into the format needed for Telegram stickers + I appreciate iOS Shortcuts more. 😆 I feel more …

Jul 9, 2023: my god this temp, 34°C???? 🥵 umabot na tayo sa peak nung inet, ulan mode na

Jul 9, 2023: Currently reading: Wonder Cat Kyuu-chan Vol. 7 by Sasami Nitori 📚 I literally just bought this now because I realize I haven’t read enough of …

Jul 9, 2023: I could honestly go back to my unit today instead of tomorrow. Chill chill lang kami ng parents ko now sa bahay eh. But I do need to go somewhere …

Jul 9, 2023: I made a quick mind map on FigJam on how I wanna organize stuff here in general. IDK if this works, but I guess it’s a start?

Jul 9, 2023: I wanna list all the manga I’ve been reading so far in via Epilogue but I read things by chapter, not volume 🥲 As for actual …

Jul 9, 2023: I’ve figured out adding alt text to the images I upload to via @gluon now. 😆 Hooray! Glad to see that it also carries over nicely …

Jul 9, 2023: view this morning, bisita moment

Jul 8, 2023: Been muting so many accounts on Threads, my goodness The influencers and brands are getting more insufferable by the day lmao

Jul 8, 2023: Learned from my mom that one of my titos passed away already last month. Rest in peace, tito Darwin. 😔

Jul 8, 2023: I’ll just play Honkai Star Rail for now. The dailies are getting a bit tedious to go through at times, but I know that’s partly because I …

Jul 8, 2023: I tried writing a longer post, but it turned out way too long for the text editor on mobile 😆😅 I got to around 2000 characters when I couldn’t …

Jul 7, 2023: Took a quick peek at Sunlit earlier. The photos-only feed looks interesting!

Jul 7, 2023: takes around an hour pa rin umuwi, more or less. Weight training ulit because of my bag 😆 Brought my laptop and iPad so I could work on stuff while at …

Jul 7, 2023: Booking a motor taxi is taking longer than expected. Biking would just take me 40 minutes to an hour. Plus, it doesn’t cost money. 😛 OK, you …

Jul 7, 2023: Things I wanna do soon, in no particular order: write lengthier posts (the one I talked about the other day) include more random stuff in my About + …

Jul 7, 2023: Going to bring my iPad to my parent’s home and maybe try to set up my blogging / posting setup there, if apps allow it. If not, there’s …

Jul 7, 2023: Really am supposed to be going back home soon. But I am lazy and sleepy 😪 Oh well. Maybe in an hour or so I’ll be going… I really wish it …

Jul 7, 2023: I won over my laziness and cooked some rice. Also letting some tofu drain a bit with some paper towels as I wait for the rice to cook. Hooray, …

Jul 7, 2023: Just wondering, is the companion app the same as the iOS app available on the App Store? Should that not be usable for people …

Jul 7, 2023: I’m gonna be with my parents this coming weekend. Family Day. Dreading to sleep in my room with no aircon tonight (in this HEAT 🫠), but …

Jul 7, 2023: Thinking of writing about the hobbies or activities I’ve tried in the past, and if I stopped or continued after a while and why. Essentially …

Jul 6, 2023: tried to look how you could “move” your Thread data to another instance since it’s supposedly gonna be part of the fediverse, but it …

Jul 6, 2023: Hooray! My unit is now really clean again 😄 I really gotta keep up on my cleaning habits so my space continues to be liveable 🥲 So far I’ve kept …

Jul 6, 2023: 📷 chicken cordon bleu for lunch! Working remotely for a few hours 😄

Jul 6, 2023: The heat is making me just want to play games the rest of the day instead of working. 🫠 Let me just live through Roots of Pacha with my boyfriend!! I …

Jul 6, 2023: oh right, my boyfriend is currently in the EU and therefore will not have access to Threads (at least until he goes home to the PH) 🫠 sigh… I …

Jul 6, 2023: I need to remind myself that I don’t always have to have the final word in things. 😆 Personally I wish I could give acknowledgement to someone …

Jul 6, 2023: Initial impression of Threads: it’s nice that the point of entry for my non-techie friends is easier the IG follows integration is good …

Jul 6, 2023: Alright, I’m also on Threads now lol If you’re also trying that out, let’s see each other there as well! ✨ …

Jul 5, 2023: I can technically swear here (on, right? I don’t know why I felt conscious of saying stuff like “shit” or …

Jul 5, 2023: wow at this point, I might make a list of the (micro?)blogs or sites I find super cool 😆 I’ve already discovered 2 setups that I super resonate …

Jul 5, 2023: OK, re-reposting the first archived blog post seemed to work well. The links have definitely been broken though lol but I guess that’s also on …

Jul 5, 2023: I just remembered that I did have some blog posts posted back in 2021 that I could migrate here. Please excuse me as I share some old content. 😆 Will …

Jul 5, 2023: I like that you can only edit replies in after 24 hours. That makes the most sense for me in the conversation context. If you did want to …

Jul 5, 2023: Asking the crowd: adding alt text / descriptions in uploaded images? Alt text question for iOS / mobile posters: other than the website, are there other apps that allow you to add alt text before you …

Jul 5, 2023: I need more comfy cardigans. 😅

Jul 5, 2023: Finally got my public Twitter archive. Not sure what actual benefit that’ll be for others to see my old tweets, but I guess there is merit to …

Jul 4, 2023: look at this:… it’s so CUTE 😤 😻

Jul 4, 2023: I apologize if I’m really noisy now, posting so many random thoughts 🙈 I feel very empowered with the apps I’m using now to just share …

Jul 4, 2023: It feels refreshing to feel like I’m living again. ☺️

Jul 4, 2023: Sharing my outfit from yesterday when I went to the office. First time wearing pants after a long while! I used up all my skirt outfits recently so I …

Jul 4, 2023: I have my eyes on a specific trifold folding bike… but I need to sell my current duofold Bickerton folding bike first. 😆 As a fellow cyclist …

Jul 4, 2023: The posting pipeline for me now is: post something on check on Mastodon and BlueSky for any neat mentions (if it’s a short post) …

Jul 4, 2023: I wonder if there’s also a concept of “threads” here once you’ve posted one thing? Should I just use the reply functionality …

Jul 4, 2023: Hello, world! Currently posting from Gluon. 😁 I’m also gonna try and poke around the official iOS app this time around, and …

Jul 4, 2023: Maybe for the meantime I’ll explore any of these alternative apps. Looking at Gluon.

Jul 4, 2023: OK, before I sleep: can confirm, trying to sign in the iOS app for via the link sent thru email just opens a blank page and does nothing in …

Jul 4, 2023: Yay my metatags work 😁 Got to use the Metatags Plug-in by @manton and just tested it out. Woohoo 🥳

Jul 4, 2023: I want to eventually figure out how Categories work in I already have so many ideas. 😆 There’s also uploading photos of my bike, …

Jul 4, 2023: I would also just like to say, @Burk ’s website is goals. 😆 Super cool and neat! I kinda wanna emulate some parts hehe If you haven’t seen …

Jul 4, 2023: Gonna explore eventually making public, online lists of the things I like. Also gonna explore sharing thoughts in Taglish more here 😁

Jul 3, 2023: Alright, time to play games. 🎮 I wonder if it would make sense for me to create a section of me just randomly updating when I’m playing certain …

Jul 3, 2023: Just gonna keep posting here to get the hang of things. I’m happy there are 300 characters here so I can just post whatever 😆 Though I guess, …

Jul 3, 2023: First ever test post? Just trying to see how the functionality works here if I do try to post a more lengthier version of whatever it is I want to share. My “first …

Jul 3, 2023: Hello there! 👋🏻 I’m posting from the web post creator at the moment, currently testing out this site since it seems interesting + …

Sep 25, 2021: 📝 Getting to know myself more in the past year Originally posted online on 25 September 2021. I’m grateful for all the experiences I’ve gone through, both the good and bad, because …

Sep 4, 2021: 📝 Figuring out where to go and listening to our inner selves This was originally posted on 4 September 2021. Some advice on what to do when feeling stuck and sharing some reflections on how I move forward // …

Sep 4, 2021: 📝 25 Things I Learned after 25 years of existing This was originally posted on 4 September 2021. My birthday has officially passed. I figured I’d write a list of 25 things I learned as I …