
    Staying in the hostel for now because I am still getting my bearings being in another country lol solo traveler moment 😆

    I am technically here for Figma Config APAC as well, so I’ll just do a bit of design stuff on the side 😁

    I’ll also be at Singapore by the first week of July, because I’m attending Figma Config APAC 2024 in-person 😄

    Will be my first time in Singapore, so I’ve been asking around for recommendations on things to do. Am also gonna be working remotely there, but contemplating if I should just file the rest of the week as PTO so I could explore a bit more 😆

    Collection of thoughts re: Figma's Framework APAC 2024

    Dang, I thought the Framework APAC would be live too (since they have an announcement for it as its own event and all), but I guess since Figma already announced stuff yesterday, it really would just be a replay of the stuff they already did on April 16 🥲

    Feels weird to go through this now, since it seemed like it would be its own “event” where people would also be live, sad that APAC still feels like an afterthought. But I guess it’s also fine we have these recordings available? 😅

    I wonder if the Office Hours would be live or if it would still be a recording of their office hours during that day. I’m thinking it would be the latter, based on how this is going 😅

    I might just update this blog post later in the day once that time slot is open to see if anything changes. I do still have the tab open to play in the background, since… well, not much to do other than listen. 😆 (last update: 12:10PM)

    update: 1:37PM — oh nice, the In the file with DBS session is live 😁 cool! Today I learned Zoom Webinars can be integrated into a website like this 😆

    update: 2:37PM — Office Hours just finished, and I appreciate it was a live session 😁 Exciting times!

    Overall, I still do love hearing about the updates from the Figma team. Makes me excited to make cool stuff!

    Very cute 😄 Hope Figma keeps this feature up 😁

    Snapshot of the Figma cursor with an 8-bit heart icon and Chi Señires's name shown under it, for Figma's April Fun 2024 feature. The URL "" is shown on the lower right corner of the frame.

    I’m so happy there’s a Figma plugin to make APNG files, I can make animated Discord stickers now :3 hehez

    to add, this is the Figma plugin! Forgot to link to it earlier:…

    Noticed this quirk while adding documentation in Figma prototypes, sharing for visibility to others 😅

    I wanted to type text LIKE_THIS but the Markdown detection in descriptions are too good 😆

    View Figma Forum post

    Things I want to do back at my parent’s house for the holidays:

    • do some sewing
    • set up some Figma teaching materials?
    • learn about Hugo and set up my own theme
    • test out Steam Link and play games (mostly Yakuza Kiwami or One Piece Odyssey

    Now, to see if I actually do any 😂

    Published this free Android UI - Phone Call resource on Figma Community in case anyone needed to mock up the stock call app within their prototypes or just to showcase a point 😄

    View the file here:…

    Figma branching got me scratching my head sometimes 😅 seems like there’s still more ways to improve with this feature :))

    📷 Day 18: fabric #mbsept

    I know I already posted this outfit yesterday, but the prompt calls for fabric. So here it is. 😆

    Chi's full outfit. Her top is a cropped button top of what looks similar to blankets that were popularly used for bed when she was a child, with a black undergarment and a black skater skirt. She's also wearing black stockings and black boots, with her Figma two-toned orange and blue socks peeking above her boots. On her shoulder is her Figma grid tote bag.

    • kumot crop top • figma socks • figma tote bag

    full on designer mode jk 😂 ootd for UX+! see u at SMX MOA later 😄

    Mirror selfie of Chi wearing a crop top with the pattern of a Filipino blanket, black skater skirt, black leggings, Figma patterned socks and black boots. On her right shoulder is her Friends of Figma black-on-white grid patterned tote bag.

    It’s only been a few days since we finally got Figma access for our team at work and I feel so powerful. 2 deliverables I would’ve taken maybe more than a week to work on was now finished in 2 days 😂

    All because I felt more at home with the tool, and I wasn’t taking a break every 30 minutes or so after it either hangs, or I try to do something and it does something I didn’t intend to do 🥲

    We finally have Figma access for our team at work!!! 😭💖 Finally hahahuhuhu I can feel more at home in what I use for designing 🥲

    Finally got to fix up the file and publish the Slider Prototype Variations on Figma Community. Hopefully this helps someone in the future when they’re trying to figure out how to make smoother swipe-to-action prototypes on Figma. 😁

    I want to be more efficient in doing my design work. The Adobe Xd to Miro pipeline is very… tedious 🫠

    I cannot wait for us to really truly migrate to Figma. We’ll still need to use Miro, but at least in Figma I am waaaay faster in working than in Xd 😝

    I made a quick mind map on FigJam on how I wanna organize stuff here in general. IDK if this works, but I guess it’s a start?