Playing 🎮 Melatonin now, this is such a cute rhythm game! I got it as a gift from one of my friends hehe 😊 Highly recommended!
Earlier it seems like Cloudflare had a bit of an outage, and it lasted for a few minutes (at least long enough to be noticeable?)
I initially thought it was due to my (prepaid) WiFi but then after I changed my DNS settings, stuff loaded properly afterwards 🤔
Seems like 2023 is the year of transitions.
I’m being diligent now on what to buy during the 2023 Steam Winter Sale… I really just want one gift. But then I’m keeping some easy ones also just saved for later. 😆
even though it’s the holidays and it’s time to rest I kinda can’t wait for these next few days to be over 😴
I wonder if there’s already a way to get a computer to check the characters of a post & see if it’s ascii or emoji art then have that be read to screen readers
is ascii art quantifiable already in that way? 🤔 I would imagine checking if something is emoji art might be simpler (?) but this is all speculation 😂
Published this free Android UI - Phone Call resource on Figma Community in case anyone needed to mock up the stock call app within their prototypes or just to showcase a point 😄
View the file here:…
random note to self: the goal is to have more intentional experiences moving forward, wag na madala sa flow of things 😆
ok lang naman siguro yun sa simula pero kung may gusto baguhin, gawan ng paraan at i-follow through na lang siya 😄
honestly I find it so funny that my stats for 🎮 Baldur’s Gate 3 is like this HAHA the jab is totally real, I still haven’t left Act One :((((((

Finished 🎮 Like a Dragon Gaiden: The Man Who Erased His Name. 🥺😭✊🏻 huhuhuhu
haaah, i’m blanking out again, brain does not want to brain rn
feels nice to not feel pressured to post stuff online at all times, and also feels nice to live more in the present 😊
To all motor vehicle drivers this holiday rush (or any day for that matter), please learn to slow down and be careful.
You’ll get to your destination eventually. Let us do the same.
Sincerely, a bike commuter 🚲
today was a really long day.
📝 My last week of November in summary
Finally back home to my unit after being at home with my parents for the week!
I was on leave for the whole week at work, because:
- I’m trying to finish up my leaves, since I can’t carry them over to next year
- it was my parent’s anniversary this week, and I also haven’t been home for a while
I literally did nothing else at home but lie down and watch videos on my phone. I did bring my iPad, but I currently don’t know where the other end of its charger is, so after I used up the batteries, I was too lazy to figure out charging it back up.
I also last minute attended a bike event on Wednesday. It technically can be considered historical for our local active mobility advocacy, considering that it was the Department of Health that spearheaded the bike to work activity with government officials with us, including the Secretary of DOH himself. After that short morning ride, all I did the rest of that day was rewatch the One Piece anime. 😆
For the rest of the days I was with my family, it was mostly what I expected would happen: my dad having a weird ass petty tantrum again, giving my mom the silent treatment, while we go out as a family to have lunch because it’s their wedding anniversary. And my mom just taking it all and not saying anything since it’s the “fastest” way to deal with the situation in the long run. lmao
all for show and no actions to reconcile with my mom or whatever.
I’m happy my mom and I ended the week with both of us going with her close friends to a hot spring spa 😌 despite everything, that was a good way to end the week. I’m happy her catch up with her friends is now more frequent as well; I hope that she gets more and more of these breaks and times for herself where she can enjoy and do whatever she wants.
Finished work for the week. Starting tomorrow until next week, I’m on leave, but I still have a bunch of things to do.
Hopefully staying with family won’t be something I dread next week. 😅 Ah, either way, my mom and I are gonna go to a spa by end of next week. Should be fun 😁
Yayyyy finally got my Schengen visa 💖 I’m gonna see my boyfriend next year!! hehehe
Started my Busuu Premium again, for a year. Mostly on a whim, but also to maybe just have another thing I’m doing during my time that can build up as I go along?