In other news: I finished playing 🎮 Yakuza: Like a Dragon last night, like at around 1:40AM with how long the end cutscene was 😂
Now it makes me want to go back to my save in Yakuza 0, and slowly go through the series. 😁
Also excited for the new game coming out in January 2024!
Broken foldie, but lucky nonetheless: my World Car-Free Day experience
I wanted to super celebrate World Car-Free Day today by doing my bike commutes to and from work, as usual. Even with the looming smog that was covering Metro Manila, which initially was suspected to be from the Taal Volcano down south but apparently is most likely from motor vehicle emissions, I wanted to still keep up the notion that biking is and should be something more people do.
Yet today will not go as planned.
📷 Day 22: road #mbsept
Selfie of me riding along the roads of MueangKaen, Chiang Mai, Thailand! 😄

📷 Day 21: (not) fall(ing) #mbsept 😆
These bikes are not falling. As they are propped up each other. 😆

📷 Day 20: disruption #mbsept
Here’s a photo of my dad messing with my grandma’s cat, Oscar, who was chilling on the stairs. 😆

sheesh i gotta catch up again on the photoblogging challenge.
these past few days have been crazy 🥴
my week started with a bad case of impostor syndrome, but now I am recuperating.
I still need to deal with it though. Haven’t fully addressed it yet, but I guess I’ll get there. Soon. Eventually 😅
📷 day 19: edge #mbsept
late post! meant to do this yesterday but i kinda forgot lol

📷 Day 18: fabric #mbsept
I know I already posted this outfit yesterday, but the prompt calls for fabric. So here it is. 😆

📷 Day 17: intense #mbsept
yep, that’s 4 different kinds of drinks. 😅 there was a time I had no problems doing this one time. But now, I will pass. lolz

• kumot crop top • figma socks • figma tote bag
full on designer mode jk 😂 ootd for UX+! see u at SMX MOA later 😄

good god what is that haze outside
I feel bad I’m having to decide whether I should commit to the bit and bike commute to the design conference I’m attending later or just join my officemate’s Grab carpool later 🫠
Part of me wants to show it is doable, but I also know that it might be hard at the current state huhu sobs
📷 Day 16: oof! #mbsept
This is a ramp at the mall near my place. It has been “under maintenance” for like 2 months already, with no visible damage.

📷 Day 15: red #mbsept
My outfit yesterday while with my bike 😁 red dress, red bike, red bag 😆

omg yay my prompt is next for tomorrow 😁
I have so many things happening every weekend, I wanna write about them all, but I guess I feel too conscious sometimes to just write whatever and then post it.
But… on another note, that is technically the point on why I am here in the first place 😆😅
Caught up in posting for the Photoblogging challenge again.
Sometimes I wonder if I missed out on a lot, but then when I check on my past posts, I usually just don’t post for a day. 😆 Time feels fleeting. hahaha
📷 Day 14: statue #mbsept
Apparently there is another Hachiko statue in Chiang Mai, Thailand, in their very own Little Tokyo area!

📷 Day 13: glowing #mbsept
My friends and I retook this photo because the light was apparently directly on top of my head 🤣
“para kang kinukuha na ng langit” 😂