testing out procreate brushes + messy coloring in + (over)use of the lasso tool = this self portrait again

my bangs have gotten a bit longer than it is comfortable so I might trim them a bit soon 😆

Timelapse: youtu.be/8rOaIj968…

self-portrait drawing of Chi, on a pink-ish background. Her expression is shown blowing some air to push one of her bangs up because it’s gotten a bit too long and goes in front of her eyes or face.

holy shit it has been so hot the past few days 🫠

stupid things this week

  1. San Juan mayor decided to remove the bollards along Ortigas Ave bike lanes (??? then say it’s to “alleviate” traffic, when it has been like that there ever since??)
  2. Mxsk apparently removing the Block feature because “it makes no sense” ???


ramdam ko yung dami ng nakasalalay sakin 🫠 i wish to eventually be rid of responsibilities at least for the day, later

I’m going to be an ADPList #BeMore2023 attendee! Looking forward to this 24-hour festival of non-stop learning in groundbreaking design, product growth, AI, careers, & more! Let me know if you’re attending too 😄

More details on the conference: bit.ly/bemore_20…

Chi's virtual ADPList Mentor ticket to ADPList's Be More 2023 Festival.

ayoko na aaaaaaaaa ang daming need tapusin ng Friday huhuhu 🙈 Last hurrah talaga before my week-long leave (na technically I’m also kinda “working” rin XD) 🫠

ayoko na aaaaaaaaa ang daming need tapusin ng Friday huhuhu 🙈 Last hurrah talaga before my week-long leave (na technically I’m also kinda “working” rin XD) 🫠

Snippet from the manga MARRIAGETOXIN Chapter 58 where Chinatsu winks and smiles to someone else (off-frame) and tells them, “I’m not a very good driver… …but I’m pretty slick on a bike!

me af

[from MARRIAGETOXIN chapter 58]

Happy to see an article covering the experiences of pinay bike commuters 🥰

It also talks about how Pinay Bike Commuter Community started!! My fellow Pinay bike commuters are also mentioned in the article hehe 💖 let’s go #KabaBIKEihan!! 👏🏻


Just wanted to share that I was on GMA’s I-Witness for a few seconds 😆 during one of the rides I joined to go to Pasig River, apparently sir Howie was tagging along wahaha

You can watch the documentary on YouTube: www.youtube.com/live/cY0h… We show up at the near end hehe

I hope the I-Witness documentary covering Pasig River provides people some insight on what the (negative) effects of PAREX could be if the expressway project finishes (since it has some movement but as since stopped? for now??), and I hope it also gets more people to consider how we might make Pasig River be more alive, clean, and benefit the people 😊 #IlogPasiglahin, ika nga hehe

snippet from the I-Witness documentary, entitled Trip to Pasig, where Chi is seen wearing her signature red helmet and white crop top shirt and gray shorts standing right by the side of Pasig River with other bike commuters, prepping for their ride to Manila Boat Club. Seen on the left side wearing a black helmet and white shirt with the red I-Witness logo is Howie Severino, the documentary’s narrator and who the camera was focused to.

snippet from the I-Witness documentary, entitled Trip to Pasig, where Chi and her other fellow bike commuters are seen arriving at Manila Boat Club, which is situated next to Pasig River, and are parking their bikes near the wall and around the open space.

Next week I’ll be travelling ✈️

📝🎮 2 weeks into Baldur's Gate 3

The last week has been spent playing Baldur’s Gate almost every time I get a chance to, which just shows in my total number of hours so far…

Screenshot of Chi's Steam stats for Baldur's Gate 3. Her playtime the past 2 weeks totals 45.1 hours so far, and she's earned 12 of the 53 (visible) achievements listed in the game. It's good to note that the game was just released last August 3, 2023.

If you’re wondering why I haven’t been posting much, it’s because I am deep, deep into this game and I am not yet sick of it. 😆

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Today was spent out all day with friends! We hosted another Women Who Code In The Dark event around Ortigas 😆 It was fun seeing friends again and attending (and organizing) an in-person event after so long.

But alas, I am tired from the day lol. Time for some needed rest!

🎮 Baldur’s Gate 3 has so far, successfully captured my after-work gaming moments. My solo playthrough’s already vastly different than the one me and my boyfriend are currently playing, all because of a misunderstanding amongst the NPCs 🤦🏻‍♀️ sigh :)))

lakad + tao mode today because I hauled a box of empty glass bottles from our house this morning to work for our office’s donation drive. I couldn’t figure out yet how I’d bring both my foldie and the box of bottles by myself 🫠 so I was at the mercy of traffic and rain today.

Thankfully pwede ako makisabay sa officemate’s Grab that was going the same direction, bumaba ako somewhere along the way and walked na lang para malapit na lang 😆

Poncho mode pa rin since I still brought my bike bag 😁

mirror photo of Chi in their condominium’s elevator. She is seen wearing her bike poncho over her work clothes. Her bike bag is in sling mode and set to her left, and in her left hand she is also seen holding a wet folded umbrella.

woke up to my 3d cats having a meeting on my desk 😆

(i didn’t realize this last night when i was playing with the fat cat 😂)

3 3d-printed small cats are found facing a 3d-printed fat cat on Chi’s desk. The small cats are on the monitor stand.

I need better ways to wake myself up in the morning. Something that’s friendly to when you feel lazy to do so 😵‍💫

My boyfriend’s also making me try 🎮 Baldur’s Gate 3. Assuming the download goes well tonight, we might try to play it tomorrow. I wonder what kind of character I’ll be creating 🤔

Boyfriend started playing the free trial for 🎮 FFXIV. 😄 So now I resubbed and have an alt in the EU server. 😆

Broke my posting streak yesterday because of personal stuff. And the days are going to be really busy.

Maybe eventually I’ll find solace in just writing about the mundane stuff I deal with, but for now I have to deal with today.