homg it is 1AM i need to sleep XD

Noticed this quirk while adding documentation in Figma prototypes, sharing for visibility to others 😅

I wanted to type text LIKE_THIS but the Markdown detection in descriptions are too good 😆

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I hope me cleaning up the Downloads folder on my work laptop is OK. If I need a file I previously downloaded already, I can always just search through our chat history or cloud files. 😆

I aim to get back into the groove in the coming days. Just do things and deal with things as they come.

🔗 That Numbness You’re Feeling? There’s a Word for It. || Adam Grant @ The New York Times

Reading through this made me realize how I think I’ve been overwhelming myself by going the empathic route always, and probably avoiding only sympathy.

Focusing on someone else’s emotions is different from feeling them for yourself, and the latter can and will cause stress if always done.

I don’t remember when I learned subconsciously not to only give sympathy; maybe it was when the trending discussion was to prioritize understanding how others might feel, as a means to help them (?).

I’ve known myself as an empathic person for a long time. What I normally struggle with is “not caring”. On an added note, lately, a feeling of helplessness keeps coming back in waves; I usually don’t know what to do with it when it’s here, but once it ebbs away, I try to reframe it to remember that I can’t do everything for everyone. And it is what it is.

Maybe that’s kinda related to the compassion being explained here. Or how sympathy isn’t all that bad, once grounded within oneself.

Finally back at the unit 😆 I missed you, my PC!

Happy New Year!! 🎉🎊

So far I’ve done 2 out of the 4 things I listed in my previous post. So far so good!

I’ll probably only do one more out of the remaining 2, or just keep at it until 2024 starts. But that’s okay! At least I got to do some stuff 😆

chenen! halatang tinahi, pero goal naman is mawala butas. solb 👍😂

Chi's red shorts that previously had a hole in it, now sewn back closed. Some of the threads used in her patchwork are visible, and the sewing isn't that clean, but the hole is not present anymore.

habang technically away from PC ako, pansasamantalahin ko na oras at itatahi ko yung mga butas ng mga pambahay ko (kahit di ganun kaganda) 😆🪡

Chi has one of her red shorts with a big hole in it on her lap, and next to her knee is a sewing kit with a bunch of different colored threads and other sewing materials in the black clutch bag.

Watched GomBurZa with Karen today! Super on a whim, nasa Megamall na ako and was telling her “oh just lmk if u wanna hang” tapos nung sinabi niya yung movie I’m just like, “g” 😂

Nice film! Grabe talaga ginawa kina GomBurZa. I think more Filipinos should watch this film.

Selfie of Chi and Karen in front of the big movie poster for GomBurZa.

OK I think I spent enough time writing online. I need to prep so I can go out for the afternoon 😆

Newfound appreciation for translating Markdown when posting. IDs are automatically made from the text in headings after the hash. 😁

My 2023: Appreciating an eventful year

2023 was an eventful year for me. There were a lot of ups and downs. Before the year comes to a close, I just want to reflect on everything I’ve done so far and appreciate where I am now.

In no particular order…

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I also just wanted to share this neat game I saw on Game Pass, and then eventually was gifted to on Steam: Venba! 🎮

I’m a sucker for cooking games, even if I don’t really cook much myself 🙈 The pastel art is also very cute, and the feature on Southern Indian cuisine is nice 😄

Things I want to do back at my parent’s house for the holidays:

  • do some sewing
  • set up some Figma teaching materials?
  • learn about Hugo and set up my own theme
  • test out Steam Link and play games (mostly Yakuza Kiwami or One Piece Odyssey

Now, to see if I actually do any 😂

Surprised to see my cousin ate Leira in this video! Happy there’s a video talking about the history of video games in the Philippines, although I think they focused a bit too much on just consoles (as a non-console owner until 2017) 😅 Good job as well covering bootlegs 😂 I wish they featured more about the 1000-games-in-1 type of CDs that were popular at some point before hahaha

WATCH Palaro: History of Video Games in the Philippines

aaaahhh, I’m not that great of a tech support at home as I thought I was 😆 but this is within context of being out in stores hahaha

I work better when I’m near my PC and I can verify things on the go :))) oh well, I hope this works for my dad (he got a new monitor but realized he can only have 1 connected to an HDMI, but I know his NUC PC can handle 3 displays at most)

Happy Holidays! 😊 wishing you all a comfy time with your loved ones 🌟💖

oooh, BlueSky became a butterfly 🦋

Screenshot of Chi's group of app icons labeled "Social Media", with the following apps shown in a 3 by 3 grid, from top to bottom, left to right: Facebook, BlueSky, Reddit, Threads, Instagram, TikTok, Metatext, LinkedIn, and Polywork.