- I’m trying to finish up my leaves, since I can’t carry them over to next year
- it was my parent’s anniversary this week, and I also haven’t been home for a while
- helping out in raising awareness and calling for action to create and further enforce safer spaces for women and vulnerable people on Philippine roads, starting with the closest urban area I’m in, which is Metro Manila
- learn more about Framer, review my Webflow knowledge, and just find a way to build websites quickly for people who might need help in setting that up
- be more deliberate in enforcing my boundaries, even with the things I do for myself
- Take no bullshit, even from friends (especially from friends), and know when to bring things up to further recalibrate a connection (or maybe recognize when it’s time to end things)
- work on and finish projects, and learn to set milestones and goals so it doesn’t feel neverending?
- finish all Yakuza games (hopefully before Yakuza: end of Kiryu’s Era game comes out in January 2024 lol)
- draw more (and journal more?)
- be more comfortable in writing down thoughts and sharing them to the world even if I fear being judged (for sometimes, the most random or silliest of things)
- make my own setup (or own website setup in general?)
- be kinder to myself
📷 Day 17: transcendence #mbApr
I guess this can count? 😆 This was taken after we rode over 140km around Taichung last April 2023. This was the our actual Strava ride up to Sun Moon Lake 😄 I can’t believe I pulled it off then! I don’t really do long rides that much anymore 😅

📷 Day 6: windy #mbApr
I realize I don’t have any (recent?) photo showing any wind (or photos of windy places for that matter) so here’s a selfie I took last year while riding around Taiwan on a bike. There would be super windy days that I learned to just put on more layers if I’m biking around 😆

📷 Day 2: Flowers #mbapr
One year ago! Took a photo of the YouBike I rented while going around Taichung, Taiwan. There were some cherry blossoms along Tanya Shen bikeway which we were traversing through 😊🌸

Hay, I really should have bought the Meta Rayban Smart Glasses when I saw them in Austria. I just want a stylish way to record quick clips of things I see (mostly for my bike commute) and also get the bonus of not having to wear headphones if I need to listen to music or talk to someone while out.
Looking through Google Maps now to familiarize myself with my Europe trip next week. I’ve already gone to the Salzburg Hauptbahnhof before because I’ve ridden the train then to go to Berlin, but now I need to figure out my route from the hbf to my hotel in Salzburg. 😆
It’s so refreshing to see wide sidewalks while tracing my route, and so many people were captured riding their bikes on Google Maps. There’s also lots of bike parking everywhere. I’m so excited 🤩
I also learned that the inside of the hbf is included in Google Maps 😆 that’s cool hahaha
Super happy how this photo turned out. Special thanks to Joyce Romero for taking this photo 💖 There are more, I just haven’t gotten around to posting it yet 😆

To all motor vehicle drivers this holiday rush (or any day for that matter), please learn to slow down and be careful.
You’ll get to your destination eventually. Let us do the same.
Sincerely, a bike commuter 🚲
📝 My last week of November in summary
Finally back home to my unit after being at home with my parents for the week!
I was on leave for the whole week at work, because:
I literally did nothing else at home but lie down and watch videos on my phone. I did bring my iPad, but I currently don’t know where the other end of its charger is, so after I used up the batteries, I was too lazy to figure out charging it back up.
I also last minute attended a bike event on Wednesday. It technically can be considered historical for our local active mobility advocacy, considering that it was the Department of Health that spearheaded the bike to work activity with government officials with us, including the Secretary of DOH himself. After that short morning ride, all I did the rest of that day was rewatch the One Piece anime. 😆
For the rest of the days I was with my family, it was mostly what I expected would happen: my dad having a weird ass petty tantrum again, giving my mom the silent treatment, while we go out as a family to have lunch because it’s their wedding anniversary. And my mom just taking it all and not saying anything since it’s the “fastest” way to deal with the situation in the long run. lmao
all for show and no actions to reconcile with my mom or whatever.
I’m happy my mom and I ended the week with both of us going with her close friends to a hot spring spa 😌 despite everything, that was a good way to end the week. I’m happy her catch up with her friends is now more frequent as well; I hope that she gets more and more of these breaks and times for herself where she can enjoy and do whatever she wants.
“aren't you scared?”
Where have I gone? Where else am I going? Where ever I want. and where ever I need. But sometimes others ask me… . . . aren’t you scared?
I am. But why should that be the norm? I just want to keep moving while I can. And maybe also serve as an example that it’s doable by anyone. That one can be more free moving about on a bike. And one can ask for things to be better.
Some says it gets harder, but I hope eventually all our efforts to enact change have an impact in the future.
I just want to live. I don’t want to be scared to live. I want to thrive while I am able.
Hello! I’ll be participating in this event by Climate Reality Indonesia next week 😄
Urban mobility is a critical aspect of planning and development as it directly influences the quality of life, sustainability, and economic vitality of urban environments.
Learn and discuss the practices of sustainable mobility in Southeast Asian countries and their impact on air quality in “Urban Mobility Heroes”, on: 📆 Friday, 10th November 2023 ⏰ 3:00 pm (GMT+7) 💻 Zoom

finally edited and posted the reel for the highlights of our ride around Iloilo via bike lanes last week 😆
run, cat, run

ok I am ready to go out and bike, there are no clouds in sight, it’s a hot day but i will just manage and do my best before my dinner with friends laterrr
omg I have so much footage from the community ride through the Iloilo bike lanes and I wanna compile them immediately because I know the more time passes the more I’ll forget about them or get too busy to put it together 🫠 (see: Taiwan 2023 trip hahahuhuhu)
Just got back from Iloilo! I’m grateful I got to talk about the current PH transportation sector gaps based on my personal experience as a commuter (and bike commuter!) + shared the story of how Pinay Bike Commuter Community started 🥰 Thank you to Climate Reality Project PH!
Random list of things I want to focus on
These things don’t really have a deadline in my head, but I guess for the sake of writing stuff down, I want to share them here.
Here’s a list of things I want to spend more time on, in no particular order (other than in the order I think about them as I write this):
Alright, that’s it for now. There are some items that still pop up in my head, but since they don’t necessarily “solidify” after passing, I’ll just let it pass for now.
ty to friends who give me more photos of me and my folding bike together in my usual #ootd hehe 😌🫶
I have a bike ride this morning and I wanna arrive on time. Not too early, but on time. If I leave now, I feel like I’ll be… too early 😆
Broken foldie, but lucky nonetheless: my World Car-Free Day experience
I wanted to super celebrate World Car-Free Day today by doing my bike commutes to and from work, as usual. Even with the looming smog that was covering Metro Manila, which initially was suspected to be from the Taal Volcano down south but apparently is most likely from motor vehicle emissions, I wanted to still keep up the notion that biking is and should be something more people do.
Yet today will not go as planned.
📷 Day 22: road #mbsept
Selfie of me riding along the roads of MueangKaen, Chiang Mai, Thailand! 😄