officemate just told me they can’t attend a sync meeting later because they’re stuck in traffic. It’s a 1 hour meeting though, and I’m implying they might be able to catch up, unless they feel like traffic will take them 1 hour to get to the office.

To which they responded, yes 🫠 lolz

ack shet may sipon ako hahaha 🤧 pero di pa nagmamanifest fully so it’s in its awkward state of there and not there 🫠

The realization that there really were a lot of red flags in the past, I was just either too lenient on considering them, or was still in denial of all the things that were happening 🫠

At least now I’m out of it. Moved on and such. Will just do my best to continue on :)

I have a bike ride this morning and I wanna arrive on time. Not too early, but on time. If I leave now, I feel like I’ll be… too early 😆

I did it, I finished the photoblogging challenge 🥳 #mbsept yahooo

📷 day 30: treasure #mbsept

i gave this some thought, and figured one of my treasures are my hands. They allow me to do so many things. 😌

This means a bit more to me as a chronic nailbiter. I’m a bit better at it now, but still gotta improve.

(also an excuse to show off my new manicure 😝💅)

Chi's right hand resting on a pseudo wooden surface. Her nails are neatly trimmed and have a shimmery red gel polish on it.

📷 day 29: contrast #mbsept

I’m not that big of a fan of graffiti in general, but this was a striking wall. Felt compelled to take a photo. This photo has a lot of sections 😆

Chi in front of a gray wall at a parking lot area with the graffiti of the word OPTIMIST drawn with a red-maroon outline and small pink stars. Chi is wearing a black bucket hat, a green knitted top, black jogging pants, and black sneakers. Around her neck is a black KN95 mask tied to a red necklace. She has a red shawl repurposed to be like a cardigan over her shoulders. She is looking away from the photo, with one leg propped behind her, and her hands are in her pockets, suggesting that she is deep in thought.

look what finally arrived! 😆 thanks for these stickers, @jean! 😊

A brown envelope from Jean from, with address details obscured. There is a sunflower stamp on the upper right corner of the envelope, and a written underlined note on the lower left which reads, "via AirMail".Chi's hand holding up all the contents of the brown envelope sent to her, which includes 2 logo stickers, a Micro Camp campfire sticker, and a note from Jean which reads: "Thanks for microblogging!"

Yesterday had me dealing with lots of things in the morning, which got me overwhelmed. Now I feel a bit better. 😊

📷 day 28: workout #mbsept

this was a rowing machine at the Manila Boat Club that I got to try! They recommend you practice here first before trying to row in a canoe along Pasig River 😁 I got some assumptions on rowing debunked as I used this 😆

📷 day 27: embrace #mbsept

this took me a while to choose which photo of me and my boyfriend I’ll post for the prompt that I almost missed it 😆 Making a mental note to try and have not just selfies as photos together 😝

Selfie of Chi and Richard, her boyfriend, together at the lobby of Ayala Museum for a date. Richard has a "SPLENDOR" orange sticker on his right chest pocket, which is the museum's way of identifying visitors for the Splendor exhibit. Chi's hand is wrapped around Richard's, with her other hand off camera, holding the phone to take the photo.

Reflections on trust in one's self, and dealing with impatience

I’ll be rambling on a bit about thoughts I’ve had in the past… month or so after this section. I initially thought I’d just post this on Mastodon with its content warning setup, but I wanna feel more comfy writing about my thoughts in whatever form here, not having everything be curated for a particular purpose or use.

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📷 day 26: beverage #mbsept

I found this glass of juice amusingly big. So I put my hand next to it to see the comparison in size 😆

Chi's glass filled with mango juice, with a really big glass. The size is as big and wide as her hand, which is positioned right next to the glass for comparison. In the background, her companion's drink is also visible: a red drink, but Chi forgot what it was.

📷 day 25: flare #mbsept

Flare… flame? Fire? 😆😅

A Thai folk dancer holding onto 3 different lighted torches, 2 on their hands and one double-ended torch held by their right foot, dancing a traditional Thai dance. This performance was captured one evening in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

oof i missed another day haha yesterday really was a daze

my tummy is being weird again this morning sobs tapos i woke up with a migraine pa reeeee let us get through this day 😤

📷 Day 24: belt #mbsept

I’m not really one for belts on my everyday outfits so this was a bit hard 😅 here’s an old photo of me at a shooting range wearing a holster belt lol

Chi wearing a cap, with her hair tied in a ponytail and swept to the side of her shoulder, a maroon fitted top, and black pants and black shoes. Around her belt and thigh is the belt holster for carrying guns. She's holding onto the noise-dampening headset and she has protective eyeglasses on, and also has a mask on.

finally got my ffxiv-themed bucket hats!!! 🥰🌱 they are so cute huhu I can’t wait to wear them with my outfits aaaaa

Mirror selfie of Chi wearing a white bucket hat with a green sprout icon on it, which usually signifies a new adventurer or new account in FFXIV.Mirror selfie of Chi wearing a black bucket hat with a red disconnected icon, usually signifying someone in FFXIV that the user is having internet problems or got disconnected to the internet.

wow, september really just passed by. Can’t believe we’re almost nearing the end of the month now 🙈

📷 day 23: a day in the life #mbsept

took this earlier when I got back home. Those are some heavy rain clouds 😳 not to mention a bleak late morning given the smog 😷💨

A peek out of Chi's window, where the rain clouds look lower than usual, obscuring the usual city skyline you'd see from the central business district where she lives.