📷 Day 13: page #mbApr

Took a photo of this page spread from a book I was reading while going around Taiwan back in April 2023. I just thought it was intriguing.

“Whether instructed to stroke ten thousand cycles or even just a few hundred, the computer never complains. It always complies.”

A page spread from a book where there is a drawing of an infinity loop repeatedly drawn to span both pages. The left page is colored black with white lines, while the right page—with is where the focus is—is white with black lines. There is text at the bottom right corner of the page which reads: "Whether instructed to stroke ten thousand cycles or even just a few hundred, the computer never complains. It always complies."

📷 Day 12: magic #mbApr

Saw these cool shiny playing cards yesterday while at my friend’s cafe and lounge.

Chi is holding a deck of cards partially fanned out in her right hand. The cards themselves have a sheen texture, with the faces or symbols of each of the playing cards just a darker black to make it obvious when light shines on the surface of the card.

Dang, the accessibility description pop-up doesn’t work on Arc when making new posts via the Micro.blog website 😢 The page is just frozen until I change the tab.

I don’t know whether to report this as a bug on Arc’s end, or also on Micro.blog’s end… 😅 But I have been noticing some overlays not working on Arc too, so I guess I’ll include this in the list.

gasp omg it has been a while since I last explored Micro.blog stuff! Thread crossposting won’t be hard anymore 😆

Screenshot of Micro.blog’s Cross-post button in posts, with the context menu showing the following options: Threads, Mastodon: social.lol, Tumblr, Bluesky: chiawase.bsky.social, and Twitter / X.

First time seeing Recommendations here in Micro.blog. Gonna read up more on it. I hope the people and accounts I do eventually add (?) wouldn’t mind I link to them though 😆

📷 Day 11: sky #mbApr

Tried windsurfing back in February 2022. That was fun! I’d like to do it again someday 😁

Chi is controlling a windsurfer going to the right of the point-of-view while in the middle of Caliraya Lake in Laguna. The blue sky takes up majority of the shot, with a few clouds and some sun rays visible. In the background, a forest can be seen lining up right before the shore that draws a line in the middle of the shot.

📷 Day 10: train #mbApr

Hmm, train. Train… station? 😁

Took a photo of this self-service ticketing machine while waiting for the S-Bahn in Berlin. It still made use of paper for the tickets bought here, but it works. Goes to show even if you don’t fully digitize something, if it works, it works 😆

A self-service ticketing machine with two verification stands in front of the stairs leading to the entrance of the S-Bahn in Berlin.

📷 Day 9: crispy #mbApr

Look at them crispy hibiscus popcorn and rice flakes on top of this poke bowl I ate somewhere around Salzburg 😁

A poke bowl with hibiscus popcorn, rice flakes, corn, carrots, edamame, tomatoes, sesame seeds, and leafy greens all in a blue bowl.

📷 Day 8: prevention #mbApr

Food is apt for this prompt, I guess. Lately I’ve been (re)figuring out how I’d feed or sustain myself as I live alone.

On good days, I do cook myself something, but admittedly I just do simple fried dishes. Trying to explore other… more cost-effective ways soon.

Chi's usual breakfast meal, which is a hot coffee with sugar and creamer and fried luncheon meat with a couple of scoops of rice. Her utensils are chopsticks, and her meal is placed in a bowl.

Kinda overthought that Day 7 prompt. I just used it as an excuse to show that amusing photo of me 😆

📷 Day 7: well-being #mbApr

Interpreted this as, which would showcase how comfy and content I was?

This is one example: me being eaten by my boyfriend’s jacket because I underestimated the cold during that evening 😆

Chi is laughing while wearing her boyfriend's black big winter jacket with a fluffy hoodie, because it looks like she's being eaten by the jacket with the hoodie on top of her head. Behind her is the Salzach in Salzburg, Austria. The sky is dim, because it's early evening.

Now a bit challenged for Day 7’s prompt. Gets me into thinking :))) I know I don’t have to think too much about it, but I want to at least have a bit of a memory attached to the photos I share 😆

Posted late for Day 6 because I was on recovery mode again yesterday. But today I’m trying to get back into it.

📷 Day 6: windy #mbApr

I realize I don’t have any (recent?) photo showing any wind (or photos of windy places for that matter) so here’s a selfie I took last year while riding around Taiwan on a bike. There would be super windy days that I learned to just put on more layers if I’m biking around 😆

📷 Day 5: serene #mbApr

Took photos while walking along the riverside during my visit to Austria last February. I wanna go back soon. Things were peaceful then.

Chi looking toward the distance in front of the Salzach. The sun is shining from the upper right corner of the photo, and in the distance the University of Salzburg is in full view.

I’m the one that suggested the prompt for today’s @challenge but it’ll take me a bit to look for an image for this 😆😆

The past few prompts so far were assisted by my Photo app’s search function nyahaha

Very cute 😄 Hope Figma keeps this feature up 😁

Snapshot of the Figma cursor with an 8-bit heart icon and Chi Señires's name shown under it, for Figma's April Fun 2024 feature. The URL "figma.com/april-fun" is shown on the lower right corner of the frame.

Jollibee has nuggets now 😆 about time they did! 😛

Tastes ok. Nuggets are nuggets 😁 I’m happy I can order this at Jollibee now hahaha

A promotional poster from Jollibee in front of their cashier registers sharing that Chicken Nuggets is now available.

📷 Day 4: foliage #mbApr

Took a photo of this cat with one of its legs not tucked under while I was at the Houtong Cat Village last year.

A black and white colored cat curled under the branches of a potted plant, taking cover from the sun. One of the cat's legs is laid down on the side of the ledge.

Just tried out FitXR, and I’m thinking after the first 2 classes I did (sculpt & HIIT), I’ll do this as part of my workout routine for the month of April 😁💪🏻